
Archive for June, 2016


There is an aspect to the natural cure that did not occur to me before now. That is the profound loss of privacy faced by cancer patients.

The invasion happens literally and figuratively. Literally, because they actually invade your bodily privacy. Figuratively, because a conventional cancer patient can’t keep the news to themselves. Getting over cancer is not something you can do alone if you use conventional means.

Even if you try to keep it secret the physical toll prevents that. We’re all familiar with the bald eyebrows, bandana wrapped head, weight loss, and haggard look that signal cancer treatment. Word gets around and then comes the sympathy, and more than a little pity. People don’t like being pitied.

Along with other unhappy features of conventional cancer treatment, Cheryl avoided any intrusions to her privacy by using natural means. Outside of her medical team only I, and a nurse friend, know that she had cancer. (I love using the past tense to refer to Cheryl’s cancer.)

Cheryl continued to work during my treatment for her breast cancer. Two, sometimes three, jobs, even during the first three weeks, which were the hardest. Long hours on her feet bartending and doing hair, shuttling a friend’s kids to school. She is single and did her own shopping, cooking, laundry, and housekeeping. She went to church and brunch on Sundays, and played mahjongg with the girls on Tuesday nights. Since she was keeping her cancer a secret, she had to keep up her routine, and she couldn’t ask for help.

And yet, Cheryl was able to do all of that, as though everything were fine, because the natural treatment doesn’t take a toll on you. It doesn’t make you heave and hurl. Doesn’t rob you of energy and vitality. Doesn’t kill your sex life. Doesn’t cause hair trauma, bruising, or anemia. Doesn’t make you prone to systemic infection. Doesn’t cause sleep problems. Doesn’t rot your gums and cause throat distress. Doesn’t cause constipation and diarrhea, all in the same day. Doesn’t make you look and feel like something the cat dragged in.

Let’s face it. Conventional cancer treatment only adds to the sheer wretchedness of the disease itself. It adds its own set of ugly burdens on top of having cancer. It is always intrusive, sometimes fatally so.

The natural treatment does no harm and causes no discomfort. There are no side effects. And no one has to know that you have cancer unless you decide to tell them.

I’m seeing how much the ability to remain silent about her treatment actually means to Cheryl. Even more than she anticipated, I believe. I know this, because she still doesn’t want me to divulge her real name or where she lives on the blog.

Frankly, I can’t blame her for her attitude, and will honor her request. It can be freeing to be able to keep your business your business.


Cheryl is still scheduled for an x-ray of the benign tumor on June 27, 2016. The MRI showed that it was significantly reduced. She will continue her high doses of beta carotene, D3, and lecithin in order to continue shrinking the tumor. I will let you know the results of that x-ray as soon as I have them.


Cheryl’s cancer was gone after six weeks, but that wasn’t long enough to remove the benign tumor. It had shrunk but was still there. From what we’ve witnessed with Cheryl, apparently simple cancerous tissue can be eliminated faster than can a tumor, even a benign one. It’s probably a simple question of volume as the tumor has more mass than the diseased tissue.

Therefore, for purposes of costing out the treatment I have given 10 weeks as an outside estimate of how long it will take the average person to get over cancer. That should include even malignant tumors of a reasonable size and number.

If the cancer case is a difficult one, it will take longer. For instance, my first cancer subject, Jim, had 100 visible tumors. It took three full months for even the smallest of them to disappear, because there were so many. It was over six months before the visible ones were gone completely.

Empirical observation tells us so far that depending on the circumstances of the cancer, it can take from approximately 6 to 26 weeks to cure cancerous tissue and remove tumors naturally. Once cured, however, a simple twice daily maintenance dose will ensure that you never have cancer again.


The cost for 10 weeks of supplements to treat cancer is approximately $650.00 per person. Add an additional $65.00 for every week that treatment continues after 10 weeks, with a presumed maximum cost for six months being $1690. This is a startling amount for access to a ground breaking, universal cancer cure.

Remember, this treatment will work on any cancer, anywhere in the body of any mammal. That is why it is “universal.”

For two of the three vitamins needed to cure cancer (beta carotene, D3), I recommend Puritan’s Pride brand. For the third cancer supplement (non-GMO soya lecithin granules, and/or sunflower lecithin softgels), I order NOW brand from Vitamin Life.)


This is it. A real alternative. And it’s available right this minute. If you have cancer I urge you to try it. Just think, you can brush that horrific burden right off your shoulders. Turn things around and be fine in a few months. You can duplicate Cheryl’s results just as easily as she did. If you have been sent home to get your affairs in order it doesn’t matter, you can still beat it.

I would like to hear from people with cancer, or people who love someone with cancer. It doesn’t matter what kind of cancer it is. It doesn’t matter where in the body it is located. It doesn’t matter how horrible the prognosis is. If you are still alive, you can be helped.

The subject can be human or animal. Any mammal.

As hard as it is to believe, cancer is a simple nutrient deficiency. If you have it that means you are not consuming enough anti-oxidants generally, and beta carotene specifically to counter and match free radical growth.

My foundation coffer is very low at this time, so I cannot offer you free or discounted supplements now. I am hopeful that Cheryl’s story may elicit an increase in tax exempt donations to my 501c3.  For now I can offer you guidance and support while you go through my cure. All I ask is that you (1) keep a cancer diary, (2) stay in regular contact with me, and (3) let me chronicle your experience in The Road Back, the book on cancer I am writing.

When I get the money my dream is to sponsor research into how to give oil soluble supplements like beta carotene intravenously. Right now I can only help people if they can eat and swallow. A lot of times that precludes someone who could be helped otherwise. This is especially unfortunate with animals, who can’t be persuaded, who don’t understand that it is important for them to eat in order to live.

Just a dream, but sometimes dreams come true, right?



for: lynncapehartnonprofit@outlook.com

Some people can’t afford the cost of the cancer supplements, as inexpensive as they are in comparison to prescription meds. Their insurance will only pay for conventional medical treatments. You can make a tax deductible donation through paypal.com to help them. Any amount, even $5.00 can help save a life. Please donate today. If you do not have a PayPal account, please contact me to make other arrangements to donate. lynncapehart@gmail.com Thanks.


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