
Archive for April, 2016


Cheryl went in for her second-opinion appointment on April 5th. She had never directly criticized her original oncologist to me, but I got the sense that she was not impressed with her. I hadn’t realized how dissatisfied Cheryl was, and I don’t think she did either, until she was able to compare the first doctor with the second-opinion doctor. Day and night, she says.

Cheryl says that prior to setting up her breast surgery, the first doctor spent 12 minutes with her. That she discussed no treatment options or anything relating to the cancer, touching only on the details about the day of surgery. She certainly didn’t try to comfort Cheryl in any way.

When Cheryl pressed her for more information the doctor told her blankly that she was in a high risk group and the breast had to go; that she was a surgeon and didn’t promote other methods to fight or cope with cancer. For breast cancer the standard was to remove the breast. Period.

The second doctor spent an hour and a half with Cheryl, and without being prompted explained not only all aspects of the surgery but also gave her details about her cancer. By the end of the visit, Cheryl had retained the second doctor and dismissed the first.


When Cheryl sat down with the second doctor, but before he had examined her, he told her that based on her medical records she was in a high risk group and the surgery could not be postponed again. He said there was no other way for her to save her life except to have the breast removed.

Ah, but wait…then he examined Cheryl and got a little surprise. He said he couldn’t feel anything where the tumor was supposed to be, and according to the tests it was large enough to be distinguished by touch. Since his more recent physical examination conflicts with her older medical records, he has ordered an MRI before proceeding.

This whole time while the first doctor was setting Cheryl up for surgery, she never ordered an MRI. Cheryl had a suspicious mammogram, which led to a biopsy that showed cancer. The first doctor moved from that result directly to surgery as a treatment. The second doctor said biopsies are not always conclusive and no surgery should have been scheduled without an MRI. Moreover, since Cheryl is in a high risk group an MRI is something her insurance will pay for. Cheryl thinks the first doctor moved too quickly to surgery.

Now we wait to see if beta carotene has eliminated the tumor and the cancer. We are looking at three possible outcomes:

(1) The tumor is larger or the same size; beta carotene isn’t working; Cheryl proceeds to surgery.

(2) The tumor is smaller but still there; beta carotene is working; Cheryl continues with the natural treatment; surgery is postponed until further tests can be conducted.

(3) The tumor is gone; beta carotene is working; Cheryl continues with the natural treatment; surgery is canceled.



Cheryl was a little nervous at the start of the week due to the looming second opinion. She so wants the cancer to be gone and this whole ordeal to be over. But she is in good spirits overall, and her strength continues to grow.




Cheryl continues to be regular. She moves her bowels twice a day now and there is less product. This would indicate that her body has removed most of the necrotic waste product.


Her appetite has pretty much returned to normal, and she can eat what she pleases. Of course, she makes sure to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables high in anti-oxidants in order to support the efforts of the beta carotene.

Dose Levels

Cheryl continues to take 250 count, of the 25,000 IU strength softgels in a dose of 125 softgels twice daily. Her Vitamin D3 level remains the same. She continued to have occasional stomach distress at the higher lecithin levels of 6 softgels twice daily. For that reason, I have moved her back to 4 softgels twice daily. She says that the distress was not bad enough that she couldn’t continue at the higher level, but I make it a point not to ignore the body’s call for help via its presentation of symptoms.

Here is another look at Cheryl’s dosage levels chart.


Cancer Only Supplements
Supplement Breakfast Dinner Brand Strength
Beta Carotene 125 softgels 125 softgels Puritan’s Pride #1223 25,000 IU
Note: Cheryl is not having any problems with this high level of beta carotene.
D3 2 softgels 2 softgels Puritan’s Pride #19377 5,000 IU
Note: D3 is important only as a crucial support vitamin for beta carotene.
Sunflower Lecithin 4 softgels 4 softgels NOW


1,200 mg



Capehart Cancer Formula

(CA = FRG ≥ X + O + I)©

Formula Explanation: Cancer equals free radical growth greater than or equal to X, with X being an individual’s tolerance level for said growth. When growth reaches the threshold for that individual, oxidation/decay, sets in. As decay spreads, it triggers inflammation. If nothing is done, inflammation will continue until it turns chronic, the last step before any cancer.

Look at the formula as the seven steps to cancer:

Step 1: cell damage occurs

Step 2: electrons escape cell and turn into free radicals

Step 3: free radical growth expands rapidly as they attack healthy cells

Step 4: individual threshold X is reached or exceeded

Step 5: oxidation/decay occurs and triggers inflammation

Step 6: simple inflammation persists and turns into chronic inflammation

Step 7: cancer then flares

It can take many years to get to cancer, but this is the path that takes you there. Bob Marley sustained a minor toe injury playing soccer that never really healed and worsened over time. Seven years later he died of a cancerous brain tumor that can be traced back to that injury.

(Shacter, E., PhD., Weitzman, S., MD, (2002) Journal of Oncology Cancer Network, “Chronic Inflammation and Cancer.” http://www.cancernetwork.com/review-article/chronic-inflammation-and-cancer#sthash.A96sQUUT.dpuf)

Why Beta Carotene Cures Any Cancer 

We have learned that free radicals are created whenever a cell is damaged, by any number of reasons, and the electrons escape the outer shell of the cell. As soon as these unpaired electrons escape the shell they become free radicals. Seeking a partner electron, they attack the nearest healthy cell, only to create more free radicals, because a free radical cannot pair up with another free radical to become healthy again.

“A free radical is an atom that has an unpaired electron and is therefore unstable and highly reactive.” This process works so fast that free radical growth can exceed millions per second.

(“Atoms And Elements” http://www.english-online.at/science/atoms-and-elements/atoms-and-important-chemical-elements.htm)

Think of it this way: When you consume beta carotene, and other anti-oxidants, their cells roam through your system searching for free radicals. When a beta carotene cell encounters free radicals, the cell voluntarily opens and donates its electrons to the waiting free radicals. After the pairing between a free radical and an anti-oxidant electron, the free radical is returned to normalcy.

What is happening is that, unlike human electrons, when beta carotene electrons escape their cell, they do not turn into free radicals. Instead, they remain stable as a single electron. This stability means that while free radicals cannot pair with each other, they can pair with anti-oxidant electrons and become healthy and non-cancerous again.

That a free radical can pair with an anti-oxidant electron is the core reason why and how beta carotene cures cancer—one free radical at a time.

Anti-Oxidants Help You Avoid And Stop Cancer


Foods high in anti-oxidants help a great deal when you factor in the part they play in eliminating free radicals inside the body. Each single electron in a cell of an anti-oxidant food will reform and make whole one free radical. One to one, it is a game of numbers. Free radicals can grow as fast as millions per second. But there is no limit to the number of free radicals you can “kill” if you consume enough anti-oxidants in food and supplement form. 

(“Atoms And Elements” http://www.english-online.at/science/atoms-and-elements/atoms-and-important-chemical-elements.htm)

In 2009 Russian scientists demonstrated that naturally occurring fat soluble antioxidants reduce inflammation. Fifteen days prior to being artificially induced with acute inflammation the treatment group was given fat soluble antioxidants, including beta carotene. The control group was not given any antioxidants.

The researchers concluded that unique antioxidants could be used therapeutically to reduce the inflammatory response and stimulate the immune system to fight diseases like cancer. And once you reduce inflammation, you have also reduced oxidation and free radical growth.

(Louis, P.F., Natural News (2013) “Reduce Inflammation Effortlessly By Taking…Antioxidants.” http://www.naturalnews.com/041293_chronic_ inflammation_immune_system_antioxidants.html#)

(Lobo, V., Patil, A., Phatak, A., Chandra, N. (2010) Pharmacogn Review, “Free Radicals, Antioxidants And Functional Foods: Impact on Human Health” http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3249911/)

food grocery stores

Make no mistake. Food alone is not enough to stop cancer no matter how perfect your diet. You must take anti-oxidant supplements as well in order to avoid cancer.

Please stay tuned and let us hear from you if you have comments or questions. In the next blog I will explain exactly why such large doses of beta carotene are necessary in order to stop and prevent cancer.

Some people cannot afford the cost of the cancer supplements, as inexpensive as they are in comparison, because their insurance will only pay for conventional medical treatments but not natural ones. You can make a tax deductible donation through paypal.com to help them by donating to lynncapehartnonprofit@outlook.com. Any amount, even $5.00 can help save a life. Please donate today. If you do not have a paypal account, please contact me to make other arrangements to donate. lynncapehart@gmail.com. Thanks.

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