
Archive for September, 2013


Currently, it is estimated that there are from 12,000 to over 100,000 documented diseases, some of which affect a handful of people, like Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, a rare degenerative brain disorder that affects one person per million per year worldwide, to others that affect millions, like cancer, which kills almost eight million people annually worldwide. These diseases are separated by the medical industry into four types, pathogenic, deficiency, heredity, and physiological, but actually all diseases are deficiency based and can be treated and cured with nutrition.

Regardless of how prevalent a disease is or which type it is labeled, all diseases can fit into one or more of seven categories. Let me put that another way: there are only seven things that can go wrong with the body, not 100,000. From the outside looking in, they may appear to be 100,000 different disorders, but in fact, every single one of them can fit into these seven categories. The human body is not nearly as complicated as you have been led to believe. Just the opposite, it is a simple machine, easily maintained in peak condition with proper nutrition.


I figured out the seven category theory by studying Albert Einstein’s theories on relativity. I often wondered how Dr. Einstein could be stuck here on Earth and still theorize correctly about our universe. How could he know for certain without being out there? He was able to do so because he made an important assumption at the start, on which he based all his subsequent theories. That assumption, which turned out to be correct, was that our universe is a “constant.” Dr. Einstein realized therefore, that if he could formulate a theory and prove that it worked here on Earth, since the universe is constant, he knew that the same proven theory would work equally well anywhere else within the same universe.

Dr. Einstein studied and theorized about the “larger outer” universe. The human body can be viewed as a “smaller inner” universe, and follows the same constancy rule relied on by him. The human body is a closed and constant system. Therefore, if I find a food supplement that works to open a blockage in a lung, like congestion, I know that same treatment will work to open a blockage anywhere within the same closed system, whether in an artery to prevent heart attacks, dementia, or erectile dysfunction, in the liver to prevent fatty deposits, in a toe to prevent gout, in the sinus cavity to prevent headaches and post nasal drip, in fact anywhere that a blockage exists within the same closed system.


A healthy body is your second most precious gift after life itself, yours to nourish or neglect. The organic vessel you occupy needs a certain amount of continual care and upkeep. It isn’t an appliance you can plug in at birth and forget about. It will withstand a lot of physical abuse from its person before it succumbs to illness, disease, and premature aging, but the trip there is inevitable if it isn’t provided with enough nutrition. But that’s all it needs. With proper nutrition you can walk through life unscathed by disease.

The following are the seven things that can go wrong with your body. They can all be treated effectively with nutrition and the additional support of food supplements. You need the additional support of food supplements, because you can’t get enough nutrition from your diet to avoid all disease. But there is no disease or disorder that does not fall into one or more of these seven categories. Remember that all disease is directly attributable to your diet, and what you do and don’t eat.


This is where all disease and bodily malfunctions begin for ailments such as Type 2 diabetes and obesity, which are caused solely by malnutrition. When things first start to go wrong they often go unnoticed as resulting from simple malnutrition, because they are seemingly insignificant. Disorders like bleeding gums, constipation, and forgetfulness don’t seem serious and most people experience these health problems from time to time without giving them a second thought. They think this sort of malfunction is normal, just part of being alive. But it’s the first step toward more serious diseases.

Bleeding gums signal a worsening condition of weak blood vessel walls, due to a lack of Rutin, which could lead to a brain aneurism stroke. Chronic constipation means poor evacuation and subsequent retention of rotting matter in your colon from a lack of enough fresh food and Magnesium that could lead to cancer. Forgetfulness could signal a growing blockage from a lack of Lecithin that will end up as dementia and the premature loss of mental function. If these ailments are not treated properly and early with the correct nutrition, they will develop into one of five other categories. The seventh category is hormonal disruption that comes with aging and is not directly associated with malnutrition, but is still easily avoided with the correct food supplement.


If simple malnutrition goes untreated long enough it can develop into inflammation, which grows out of a lack of foods high in antioxidants, and a failure to supplement your diet with Beta Carotene and other antioxidant supplements. Without enough antioxidants, free radicals grow exponentially. When free radicals reach a threshold of oxidation, also known as decay, it triggers the body’s defenses, which manifest as inflammation, and present with pain, swelling, tenderness, and redness. Once inflammation is present, you are susceptible to any number of infections and inflammation based diseases, like cancer, asthma, multiple sclerosis, Crohn’s Disease, diverticulitis, and even failure to heal properly, among others. Rampant free radical growth and inflammation are also the result of radiation poisoning, which can be treated with Beta Carotene in massive doses. Both infection and inflammation stem from exponential free radical growth.


Untreated simple malnutrition can also result in blockages throughout your body, which form a whole subset of diseases. When you eat something your body has trouble processing, like sirloin steak with butter sauce and a fried egg on top, baked potato with bacon bits, butter and sour cream, fried broccoli with blue cheese dressing, and ice cream with whipped cream, without also taking an emulsifier, your body has trouble breaking it down.

Without an emulsifier like Lecithin, your body can’t eliminate the organic deposits which settle in your arteries and form plaque and blood clots, in your lungs to form congestion, between your joints to cause stiffness and loss of mobility, in your penis to cause erectile dysfunction, in your eyes to cause glaucoma, in your jaw to cause TMJ, as well as, many other areas throughout your body. Once again, all these disorders appear to be independent of each other but are in fact classified under the category of blockages, and they can, therefore, all be treated with the same supplement, Lecithin.


Another large class of diseases stem from an inappropriate reaction of your immune system, which is designed to fight off pathogenic intruders. It is your defense mechanism against diseases caused by bacterium, virus, and other microorganism. It is the moat around the castle, the army at the gate to keep out the infidels. But sometimes the army gets confused and starts attacking the castle itself, its host body. An auto-immune disorder arises when the immune system sees danger in substances, organs, and tissues normally present in the body—ones it is supposed to defend.

Unfortunately, the only treatment the medical industry has for an auto-immune disease is to suppress and sometimes completely shut down the immune system. The problem with this is obvious: yes you stop the particular inappropriate reaction by putting the system to sleep, but you also disable the body’s entire defense system, making it susceptible to all sorts of other pathogenic attacks. What would happen if you gave knock out drugs to the army at the gate? All sorts of intruders would walk right past them and gain entry. That’s why so many people living with an auto-immune disease and taking prescription medicines to suppress the immune system end up in the ER, with sometimes life threatening problems unrelated to the original disease.

The list of auto-immune diseases is extensive and includes disorders as common as seasonal allergies, to type 1 diabetes, eczema, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, Graves’ Disease, vertigo and dizziness (Meniere’s disease), lupus, and Addison’s Disease, among others. Again, despite the differing nature of these disorders, since they are all auto-immune based, they can all be treated with the same food supplements and prevented, controlled and eliminated. The idea is not to shut down or suppress the immune system but to calm it down so it stops overreacting and attacking its host. This can be done with the correct combinations of food supplements, including Bee Pollen and Monavie Active.


A virus is any infecting agent that multiples inside the body, corrupting systems and causing disease, sometimes even death. The list of viral based diseases is extensive, including the flu, hepatitis, HIV/AIDS, yellow fever, mumps, shingles, rubella, chicken pox, Epstein Barr/mononucleosis, herpes—both genital and cold sores, even smallpox, among others. The mistake that the medical industry makes is to believe that each of these diseases needs a different type of treatment and drug.

We have to start thinking like the body does. A virus gets in and does damage in different ways, but they all have one thing in common. Despite their origin or behavior, a virus has to replicate repeated generations of itself, or it dies and you get better. Therefore, the key is to disrupt a virus’s DNA replication cycle. If you can do that, you will prevent it from spawning more generations…you will kill it off. But that’s all you have to do to end any virus: stop it from reproducing!

You see, a virus’ life span is too short for it to do any real harm inside your body. Therefore, it must replicate itself continually, so that the new generations can continue the bodily harassment against you. L-Lysine will disrupt the replication cycle of ANY virus. Any virus! Meaning, that whatever virus you contract, that same supplement can be used to stop it, because all you’re trying to stop is the reproduction cycle. We may distinguish between viruses but as long as you are able to stop them from breeding, it doesn’t matter to the body.


This category occurs when your body becomes saturated with toxins, much like the soldiers who returned from Operation Desert Storm in the 1990-1991 Gulf War, with a disorder that was subsequently named, Gulf War Syndrome. The body has many cleansing mechanisms but when they become overloaded by too many toxins, the body will break down and present with a variety of illnesses. The women and men who were there faced an unrelenting barrage of toxins, mostly from the burning oil fields. Their lungs, livers and other organs were inundated with toxins they could not process or eliminate.

We all have trash and garbage cans in our homes. When they are full up they just won’t hold any more. Left unattended, rot sets in and the stink is profound. The body is the same: when its trash carriers are full and aren’t cleaned out, disease results.

Those of us who are fortunate enough not to have to go to war, thanks to a strong and dedicated military, still face toxin overload in our daily civilian lives. If you smoke cigarettes, live near a factory, live in a large city with a lot of motor vehicle traffic, your body becomes tainted with innumerable toxins. The United States makes an effort to control air pollution, but there are some countries (you know who they are), where it is a minor concern, and their citizens suffer accordingly. The correct food supplements like a combination of L-Cysteine and Vitamin C Complex with other nutritional support can clean out the overloaded body and return it to normalcy.


Regardless of how well you treat your body, a time will come as you age, when your hormonal production breaks down. Think of it as having spent your life on an aircraft kept on automatic pilot. Suddenly, one day you notice that the ground is getting a little closer each day. That’s because the autopilot is failing. For your entire life, your hormonal autopilot has been distributing the necessary hormones throughout your body. Then it slows down and gets confused and sends out the wrong combinations, or not enough. It’s the same for men and women.

Women go through menopause, experiencing mood swings, bone loss, hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, a loss of sex drive, dry aging skin and age spots, lack of energy, and perhaps the most psychologically painful—the barrel-waist look that no amount of dieting can get rid of, among other problems.

Men have it just as bad, and experience impotence, low testosterone, lack of sex drive, difficulty passing urine, mood swings, depression, reduced muscular strength, hair loss, bone loss, panic, low sperm count, incontinence, dry aging skin and age spots, and a drooping stomach hanging over the belt, among other things.

The medical industry tried to replace the natural hormone loss in women by giving them hormone replacement therapy. But there were reports of all sorts of problems, including increased incidence of cancer. That’s because the system that produces hormones in both male and female bodies is much too complex to be regulated from the outside.

You can’t use hormone replacement to properly regulate the correct amount of hormones needed by an individual, but you can take a food supplement that signals your body to continue making hormones on its own, in whatever amounts it thinks it needs. The best food supplement I have found for both men and women is DHEA/Youthful You. Depending on whether it’s taken by a man or a woman, it signals the body to continue making the appropriate amount of hormones.


Sometimes, when simple malnutrition goes untreated it worsens and morphs into more than one of the seven categories. Therefore, some diseases will be listed in more than one category, like rheumatoid arthritis, which is listed under auto-immune because that is the trigger, inflammation, which is the body’s response to the trigger, and blockages because it causes organic debris to accumulate in the joints, robbing you of mobility and freedom of movement. You could use Monavie Active alone to control RA, or if you cannot afford the expense, you could use Bee Pollen to calm down the immune system, Beta Carotene to quell the inflammation, Lecithin to break up and prevent the blockages in the joints, and iron and B12 to avoid the debilitating fatigue.

Likewise with asthma, which is listed under inflammation because it is a chronic inflammation of the lungs, and blockages because of the mucus and excess toxins that form in your lungs. You could use Beta Carotene to stop the chronic inflammation, Lecithin to break up the hardened mucus in your lungs, and L-Cysteine and Vitamin C together to remove excess toxins and ease your breathing.


You have been so misled for so long that I know it’s hard to believe that there are only seven things that go wrong with the body, and that they are all capable of being controlled, cured and prevented with simple, inexpensive food supplements, but I promise you that this is true. Staying healthy is easy and relatively cheap. It boggles the mind to watch the numbers being spent, as we throw billions of dollars at diseases like cancer, which can be completely cured with just Beta Carotene and Vitamin D3 taken in sufficient doses.

I know it’s hard to believe, but you have to take over control of your health now, because the medical industry doesn’t know what it’s doing and has failed you miserably. It’s not the diseases, but the ignorance that kills so many people. I read the other online sites and see the same phrases used over and over, indicating that they don’t know what causes diseases. I know what causes every disease and I know how to actually cure and prevent them by using nutrition and food supplements. Never forget that your body was constructed in the womb from the nutrition consumed by your mother. No nutrition, no you. Doesn’t it make perfect sense then that if nutrition was used to build your body, nutrition should also be used to repair it?

Please be nice to each other, and look for my next blog: Blog 32: High Cholesterol. You may contact me directly at lynn@lynncapehart.com


Your support is greatly appreciated.


Lynn Capehart Wellness Foundation, Inc., is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation, meaning that any donation you make will be tax deductible. We appreciate your support for our current efforts to establish a Vitamin Scholarship Program, so that we may supply supplements to those who could be cured of their disorders but cannot afford the cost. You may make your donations through www.paypal.com using any credit card or bank anywhere in the world. Donations should be made there to the account of lynncapehartnonprofit@outlook.com     Thank you.

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