
Archive for July, 2011


CATEGORY: 1: Simple Malnutrition


I’ll admit to being a Trekkie, but I’m not a Trekkophile; I never wear my uniform in public, and I gave my life size, standing cut-out of Captain Kirk to Goodwill months ago. Besides the intellectual stimulation provided by the ongoing Star Trek adventures, I was drawn to the ethic of the show, the shared sense of honor and commitment the characters had toward each other. You were always certain the primary characters would raid heaven and hell to protect each other.

The original Star Trek television show didn’t have a big budget from the look of the sets, and sometimes the direction was weak. But there were new ideas presented in plots that gave you something to think about. One of my favorite episode ideas was, Spock’s Brain, which I understand is considered by the actors involved and most fans to be the worst episode of the show. Nevertheless, I liked it, and it helps me to make a point about the way the brain works

In that episode, an alien female beams onto the Enterprise, surgically removes Spock’s brain, leaving the body behind, and takes the brain back to her home planet in the Sigma Draconis system. The aliens connect Spock’s brain to their planet’s power grid. His brain then begins to operate various systems, pumping water, circulating air, running heating and cooling plants, coordinating filtration and sanitation—all the functions that make up a planet-wide life support system.

Just as Spock’s brain, called the Controller in the episode, ran the functions necessary to protect life on Sigma Draconis, human brains also direct an array of functions necessary to keep us alive. In effect, your brain is in charge of your life support system. It is in charge of heart rate, breathing, body temperature, and blood pressure. When’s the last time you thought about any of these things consciously? It processes enormous amounts of information that flood into it nonstop while you are awake, from your eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and skin. It permits you to be mobile, stand up, move around, walk, or sit up. It lets you experience emotions and sensations. Everything happens in your head; that is where your world unfolds.

And more in keeping with what people associate with brain power, your brain permits you to think, reason, analyze, differentiate, store and recall memories, and even dream. It enables you to communicate your desires and grievances to others. Each part of the brain has its own function, but these functions must all work together for you to stay alive.


When you think about all it has to do, it’s easy to understand that your brain needs a lot of nutrition to perform a multitude of tasks. Or at least to perform them well. Your brain is a hungry creature. It’s the big dog at the top of our internal food chain; it even sits all the way at the top. The hungry dog consumes a full quarter of all the nutrition you take in. It sucks up over twenty percent of the oxygen carried in your bloodstream. Every heartbeat pumps almost a quarter of your blood into Hungry Dog’s lair. Meaning, at any given time up to a quarter of your blood supply is sloshing around inside your head.

Hungry Dog receives all this nutrition through your network of blood vessels. If Hungry Dog doesn’t get enough nutrition from your bloodstream, it will slowdown, forget where it’s buried its bone, grow snappish and snarly, and simply will not perform up to its full potential.

Hungry Dog likes to gorge itself on carbohydrates. Yum. Every kind of fruit, vegetable, nut, grain, and legume. It also likes milk, fish, eggs, and green tea. Before Hungry Dog can consume carbohydrates, they must first be changed into glucose in your bloodstream. It is this glucose that provides food energy to your own Hungry Dog.

Glucose is comprised of micronutrients, fatty acids, and amino acids. Amino acids are called the building blocks of protein. One amino acid in particular, L-Glutamine, is very important to brain function. The blood concentration levels of L-Glutamine are three to four times greater than any other amino acid. It is particularly concentrated in the brain and skeletal muscles.


L-Glutamine is a brain food that gives your mental abilities a most potent boost without any manic side effects. Most particularly, it facilitates the transfer of communication between the two halves of the brain. It has a remarkable effect on improving the brain’s ability to learn, think, reason, and remember. And you don’t have to take it for a long time to feel its brain-expanding effects. Some people notice the difference hours after taking their first dose. Others might notice it days later. For some the real effect won’t be apparent to them until they stop taking it. All of a sudden what was normal before isn’t so inviting anymore. Feeling smarter is more fun.

A lot of people wrongly think that Ginkgo Biloba has a direct link to memory improvement. That, all by itself it can improve your thought processes. Not exactly true. Gingko Biloba is an herb and an effective blood thinner. If the blood is thinned, more of it will move faster through an arterial system, even a clogged one. Gingko Biloba helps to get more blood and therefore more nutrients into your brain faster, because it makes the blood skinnier. L-Glutamine feeds your brain, and Ginkgo Biloba thins the L-Glutamine filled blood so it can move quickly to the underserved parts of your brain.


There are two other important support supplements, Vitamin B12 and Lecithin: B12 increases the amount of oxygen carried by your red blood cells, and gets more oxygen to your brain, making you feel more alert and involved. Lecithin is the best natural emulsifier available, and helps keep your brain arteries clear of plaque that prevents good blood flow to the brain.

This therapy will not turn someone with an IQ of 12 into a genius suddenly. What it will do is permit anyone to maximize whatever brain power they already have and increase their ability to remember. It will permit your brain to operate at its maximum capacity everyday. It will help you to be your maximum best. I’m not a morning person, and without taking this therapy beforehand, I would be useless at morning meetings.

To Improve Analytical Abilities & Memory  QUICK GLANCE CHART
Main Supplements Breakfast Dinner Brand Strength
L-Glutamine 3 tablets 3 tablets Puritan’s Pride #3042 500 mg
Ginkgo Biloba (capsules only) 1 capsule 1 capsule Puritan’s Pride #4544 120 mg
Important Support Supplements
B12 1 tablet 1 tablet Natures Life 1000 mcg
Lecithin 3 softgels 3 softgels Puritan’s Pride #303 1200 mg
If you’re in a stressful situation where your mind is constantly being pressed to perform at peak potential, add a third dose of all supplements at lunch time.


Ginkgo Biloba is an effective natural blood thinner. If you are on a prescription blood thinner, like Coumadin, know that Ginkgo Biloba will duplicate your prescription medication.

Please be nice to each other, and look for my next blog: Blog 21:  Rheumatoid Arthritis, where I tell you how to get it completely under control and stop all symptoms within two to four weeks.


Your support is greatly appreciated.


Lynn Capehart Wellness Foundation, Inc., is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation, meaning that any donation you make is tax deductible. We appreciate your support for our current efforts to establish a Vitamin Scholarship Program, so that we may supply supplements to those who could be cured of their disorders but cannot afford the cost. You may make your donations through www.paypal.com using any credit card or bank anywhere in the world. Donations should be made there to the account lynncapehartnonprofit@outlook.com

Thank you.


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CATEGORY: 1: Simple Malnutrition



There’s not a lot to say about this subject. Everyone likes consensual sex, and no one would mind if they could reap more pleasure out of their experiences. One way to do this is to buy topical ointments and gels to apply directly to your genitals prior to having sex. A better way to enhance sexual pleasure, however, is to manipulate the pleasure centers of the brain, where the sensations must register in order for you to get your thrills. Real sexual pleasure is “felt” in the brain. That’s why sex is usually better with someone you really care for, and why it can be routine with someone you don’t. It’s all in your mind. Sex is like food in that the brain must stimulate the appetite for it.

DL-Phenylalanine (DL-P) is a combination of D-Phenylalanine and L-Phenylalanine in nutritional supplement form. They are both amino acids. Besides what I discuss here, DL-P is known to have analgesic (pain killing) and antidepressant properties. It does these things by preventing endorphin degradation, which then leads to an inhibition of the GABA neurotransmitter that results in greater dopamine release. Dopamine is associated with the brain’s reward system, providing feelings of pleasure, enjoyment, and reinforcement.  

L-Phenylalanine is also a nutritional supplement, and while it is used to increases energy levels, it does not have the analgesic, antidepressant, or sexual properties that DL-P possesses. DL-P stimulates the pleasure centers in your brain and intensifies all aspects of the sex act, making it feel up to five to ten times better than average. It works equally well in women and men.


Take one or two tablets, 15-30 minutes before you’re planning on having sex, about the time you start eyeing each other. If you take it like this, the effects will last all the way through the act, no matter how long that is. If you wait too long to start intercourse, the effects will be weakened as time goes by, and the sexual edge is lost.  

As Needed Use of DL-Phenylalanine QUICK GLANCE CHART
Supplement 15-30 Minutes Before Sex Begins Brand Strength
DL-Phenylalanine 1-2 tablets Puritan’s Pride #4050 500 mg

You can also take DL-Phenylalanine everyday in the morning, and it will energize you, keep you upbeat and a little flirty. It won’t make you horny that minute but will make you more interested when the time comes to have sex, especially when added to the dose taken directly before sex begins.  

Daily Use of DL-Phenylalanine QUICK GLANCE CHART
Supplement Breakfast Brand Strength
DL-Phenylalanine 1/2-1 tablet Puritan’s Pride #4050 500 mg

 Unfortunately, while DL-Phenylalanine enhances sexual feeling, it won’t help with performance problems. Please see Blog 14: Erectile Dysfunction for a better discussion on that issue.

► Do me a favor, please. Don’t get carried away with this and take much more than 1-2 tablets at the beginning of each sexual encounter. And one tablet is better than two in the beginning. That might be all you ever need, so you should start there. There’s a tendency for people to think that if X amount makes me feel good, then X+1 will make me feel even better; and X+2 even better than that. Not true, here. This could really rev you up, make you manic, uncomfortable, even a bit breathless. It will wear off and there’ll be no real harm done, but if you take it the way I recommend above, you’ll get your kicks with no side effects. The smart thing to do is to experiment. Begin by using my dosage recommendations, then up them slowly, a half tab at a time. Honestly, a little of this goes a long way.

Be sure to buy DL-Phenylalanine, and not just L-Phenylalanine.

Please be nice to each other, and look for my next blog: Blog 20: Improving Cognition And Memory, where I tell you how you can increase you mental capabilities. 


Your support is greatly appreciated.


Lynn Capehart Wellness Foundation, Inc., is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation, meaning that any donation you make is tax deductible. We appreciate your support for our current efforts to establish a Vitamin Scholarship Program, so that we may supply supplements to those who could be cured of their disorders but cannot afford the cost. You may make your donations through www.paypal.com using any credit card or bank anywhere in the world. Donations should be made there to the account of lynncapehartnonprofit@outlook.com

Thank you.


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CATEGORY: 1: Simple Malnutrition



Fatigue is tricky. Like headaches, it accompanies almost every disorder known to humankind, and is a side effect of many drugs. It can also be a function of mood: If something bad happens to you, you can find yourself feeling tired for no reason except it. But fatigue can signal something serious, even life threatening—The National Institute of Health reports that “unusual fatigue” is the most commonly reported symptom in women who have heart attacks, with over 70 percent complaining of it beforehand.

Or it can simply be the result of a week of hardy partying and not getting enough sleep or nutrition. Or even the result of a hormone imbalance.

Physicians agree that for most people the main reason for lack of energy is the failure to get enough sleep on a regular basis. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention reported the results of a study showing that more than 25 percent of adults get six hours or less of sleep every night, which is unhealthy. One in ten reported not having a good night’s sleep in over a month. You can bet that these same people complain of fatigue and low energy.  

Note: Please read Blog 1: Insomnia & Trouble Sleeping for information on using Sea Kelp as a safe and effective sleep aid.

Fatigue occurs across all age groups and cultures, but it is more prevalent in the elderly and those with serious disorders. Depending on the reason, it can be rare and something you just deal with on those occasions. It can be something connected to an event that happens regularly, but not daily. Or it can be daily, long term and debilitating, what is referred to as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS).


Besides increasing energy levels and making you feel more alert, B12 is also important to proper nervous system function, sperm production, normal growth, and the proper functioning of the immune system. Important to this discussion is the fact that B12 is closely involved in the production of melatonin, which controls the release of many hormones that are involved in the sleep/wake cycle. If your problem is not diet, or lack of sleep, it may be hormonal, and B12 can still help you.

Vitamin B12 is a component of B Complex, and the only element that cannot be synthesized in a laboratory or extracted from plants. It is the only supplement that cannot be obtained from a variety of food sources. B12 must be grown in bacteria or molds like penicillin, and other than food supplements, is available only in red meat and dairy products. Strictly vegetarian diets therefore are deficient in B12.

But wait a minute, you say. Aren’t we being told to cut back on things like red meat and dairy to guard against high cholesterol? That’s right, and since we can only get B12 from these sources, if we cut back without supplementing, we risk a deficiency and subsequent fatigue, an immediate result of insufficient B12 intake.

The most common form of B12 supplementation is cyanocobalamin in tablet form. Since it’s all synthesized the same way, you can use almost any B12 product, except a time released or sustained release one. Because it’s water soluble, extensive amounts of B12 cannot be stored in your body, and 95 percent is washed out everyday. Meaning that you need to replenish the internal supply daily.

The energy you get from regular B12 use is wonderfully subtle, even, and mellow. You may not feel anything major when you start taking it. You will just suddenly notice that you have gotten so much more done over the past few days, way beyond your normal production level. Some people don’t notice the difference in their energy levels until they stop taking B12 and go back to their usual funk. Then the improvement is obvious to them.  


B12 is vital to red blood cell production. Red blood cells are responsible for the efficient transport of oxygen to all parts of your body. Oxygen is what enables your body to release and use energy stored in your food and later in your cells, and to use that energy to perform cellular functions, like making you feel energized. Every cell in your body needs oxygen for this reason.

Your blood stream picks up oxygen in your lungs as you breathe, and carries it to the rest of your body. B12 facilitates this task, getting more oxygen to your brain and your muscles, giving you an overall feeling of sustained energy without manic side effects. And you don’t crash when it wears off, because your body hasn’t been artificially stimulated. All you are doing, is getting more oxygen moving around in there by providing missing nutrition.


There are different ways to use B12 to combat fatigue and low energy:

1.         You can use it daily to ensure that your blood is always well oxygenated and therefore that your energy remains high and on an even keel. If you have reason to believe that your fatigue problems are hormonal, it is recommended that you take B12 daily.

2.         You can use it only on those days when your energy has dipped and you need a boost.

3.         You can use it to keep your mind and body energized and alert for a limited period, when you know there is no chance of your getting enough sleep to function normally.    

4.         You can even use it, along with other supplements, to treat Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

*          *          *


Supplements Breakfast Dinner Brand Strength
Vitamin B12 1-2 tablets 1-2 tablets Nature’s Life 1000 mcg
B Complex 100 (capsules only) 1 capsule 1 capsule Puritan’s Pride #10280 100 mg/mcg
Coenzyme Q10 (capsules only) 1 capsule Jarrow Formulas 30 mg
Do not use time released or sustained release B12 products.B Complex can be hard to digest and is best taken with some food.If you use this therapy daily you will not suffer dips in the middle of the day, nor will you be slow to get going in the morning. When the nurse sticks your finger in the pulse oximeter to measure your blood oxygen, your reading will be 99-100 every time.


B12 Therapy As Needed QUICK GLANCE CHART
Supplement As Needed Brand Strength
Vitamin B12 2 tablets Nature’s Life 1000 mcg
Do not use time released or sustained release B12 products.If you use this therapy when your energy is low, you can feel its effects within 30 minutes to an hour. It will boost your vigor naturally without putting you on edge. And you won’t “crash” later when it wears off. You’ll just go back to “normal.”


Let’s talk about this one for a minute. Sometimes you’re faced with a situation or task, like taking exams, caring for a sick child, or participating in military maneuvers, where you can be certain you won’t get enough sleep. There is a way around this problem, where you can function on three to four hours of sleep instead of eight, and remain fine mentally and physically, for a limited time.

But this isn’t a nice thing to do to your body or your brain, and it will catch up with you if you do it for too long. A couple weeks is fine, but you should not try to use this therapy on a long term basis, as a way of circumventing your need for at least eight hours of sleep each night. Without enough sleep your body can’t make all its necessary repairs, and detoxify. Plus, losing sleep ages you, makes you look older. You must get enough sleep on a regular basis to remain healthy in the long term.

B12 Limited Overuse Therapy QUICK GLANCE CHART
Supplements Breakfast Dinner Directly Before Bed Brand Strength
Vitamin B12 2 tabs 2 tabs 2 tabs Nature’s Life 1000 mcg
B Complex 100 (capsules only) 2 caps 2 caps Puritan’s Pride #10280 100 mg/mcg
Coenzyme Q10 (capsules only) 1 cap 1 cap Jarrow Formulas 30 mg
Do not use time released or sustained release B12 products.B Complex can be hard to digest and is best taken with some food.Take your third and final dose of B12 right before you lay down to go to sleep. Do not take it before you are actually ready to close your eyes and sleep. B12 will not adversely affect your sleep if you take it this way, but you will be bright and ready to go when you awaken the next day.


For a long time CFS has been the boogeyman of disorders. No one knows what is really going on, what causes it, or how to alleviate it. And it’s not serious enough to warrant research funds or real medical attention, so people suffer quietly. CFS is nothing more than a case of long term fatigue. But long term fatigue is no small matter and can be horrific and crippling. Nobody wants to feel tired all the time. Everything becomes a chore, even the things you love doing. You don’t want to go anywhere, see anybody, do anything. Even your mind is sluggish and nowhere near performing up to your true abilities. It’s easy to understand how CFS can morph into depression.

You have CFS if you are (a) tired all the time, (b) it is not alleviated no matter how much you sleep, and (c) it is not attributable to any other medical or psychological cause. So you’re tired and there’s no reason for it. Great.

There is a cognitive analytical construct for arriving at answers to mysteries, a way of proving or disproving a concept, that is referred to as Reductio ad Absurdum, where you figure out what something is by figuring out what it is not. In other words, you continue to eliminate, one by one, the reasons that can’t be true, and what is left you know must be the answer, no matter how absurd it is. Reduce a question or problem, even to the absurd, and you will have your answer. Reductio ad Absurdum.

When you use this concept to analyze CFS, you must eliminate first the question of sleep, because CFS is not improved no matter how much you sleep. You must eliminate any medical or mental problem as a reason, because that is part of the diagnosis. The only thing left then, which must be the answer no matter how absurd it may seem, is nutrition. And the one thing I hope you’re learning from reading my blogs is that nutrition is the answer to all illnesses. Even if your problem is hormonal, that too relates to diet in this instance, because B12 helps regulate your wake/sleep cycle, ensuring that you get enough sleep even as it gives you more energy.

Under this analysis, B12, along with other support vitamins, should help even those with CFS. 

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome QUICK GLANCE CHART
Supplements Breakfast Dinner Directly Before Bed Brand Strength
Vitamin B12 2 tabs 2 tabs 2 tabs Nature’s Life 1000 mcg
B Complex 100 (capsules only) 2 caps 2 caps Puritan’s Pride #10280 100 mg/mcg
Coenzyme Q10 (capsules only) 1 cap 1 cap Jarrow Formulas 30 mg
L-Phenylalanine 1 tab Puritan’s Pride #150 500 mg
Liquid Amino Complex 2 soft gels Puritan’s Pride #5505 NA
Iron (ferrous gluconate— women only) 1 tab Puritan’s Pride #1200 246 mg
Do not use time released or sustained release B12 products.B Complex can be hard to digest and is best taken with some food.Take your third and final dose of B12 right before you lay down to go to sleep. Do not take it before you are actually ready to close your eyes and sleep. B12 will not adversely affect your sleep if you take it this way, but you will be bright and ready to go when you awaken the next day. When your fatigue is no longer chronic you may stop the bedtime dose of B12. If the fatigue returns to chronic after this, add the bedtime dose back to your regimen.L-Phenylalanine is an amino acid which boosts energy. If it makes you edgy or manic, stop taking it. It’s not for everyone. The liquid aminos will also help relieve fatigue.Iron should be taken only by women who are menstrual age.


A small percentage of people find that B12 doesn’t energize them, but instead makes them sleepy, or just doesn’t work at all to relieve fatigue. This could be caused by not taking it along with B Complex to help it be properly assimilated. It may also indicate that your digestive system does not produce one of the gastric secretions necessary to absorb B12 when taken orally. If so, you can use the sublingual form which is dissolved under your tongue and absorbed directly into your bloodstream, bypassing the intestinal tract. You can also get B12 shots from your physician.

I have discouraged you from purchasing time released or sustained release B12 products. You need to get the sudden frontload of B12 into your system fast to achieve the effects I discuss here. Having B12 drip slowly into your system is the worst thing you can do regarding the use of B12. If you have a problem with B12 taken orally not working properly for you, follow the above note and take it sublingually.

 Avoid very large doses of sublingual B12. Get the 1000 or 2000 mcg strength only. You have to be careful to avoid causing a deficiency of other elements of the B Complex, which could happen with those ultra large strengths.

Please be nice to each other, and look for my next blog: Blog 19: Increasing Sexual Pleasure, where I tell you how a single supplement can enhance your experiences up to ten fold.  


Your support is greatly appreciated.


Lynn Capehart Wellness Foundation, Inc., is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation, meaning that any donation you make is tax deductible. We appreciate your support for our current efforts to establish a Vitamin Scholarship Program, so that we may supply supplements to those who could be cured of their disorders, but who cannot afford the annual cost. You may make your donations to lynncapehartnonprofit@outlook.com at www.paypal.com using any credit card or bank anywhere in the world. Thank you.


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