
Archive for March, 2011


CATEGORY: 4: Excess Toxicity https://lynncapehartwellness.com/2013/09/01/blog-30-essay-2-the-seven-categories-of-illness/

RECOMMENDED SUPPLEMENT: Concentrated Chlorophyll

tooth brushing

I don’t like mean people. They bring out the nasty avenger in me, so I try to avoid them. Many times I have witnessed these cruel ones use the accusation of “bad breath” just to hurt someone’s feelings. Even when it’s not true! There is actually a medical term for people who were teased or bullied or otherwise made to believe they have persistent bad breath, when in fact they do not. It’s called Halitophobia, or Delusion Halitosis. So don’t believe just anyone who tells you this. Believe it only if it comes from a reliable source, like a good friend, immediate family member, or health care provider.

But what if it’s true? What if you have good reason to believe that your breath is even slightly offensive day to day? If so, it can be a real confidence killer. Can cause you to withdraw from social situations, surrender your poise, and be less successful than you can be—because of that lingering doubt. The good news is that supplements and good dental habits can eliminate and control this problem.

Oral health care providers believe that nearly 85 to 90 percent of ordinary, occasional bad breath originates in the mouth due to consuming certain foods. But Halitosis is not the same as the smell of garlic on your breath from last night’s pasta e fagioli, or the onions you had on your salad for lunch. Or the occasional dry mouth day when your breath could be fresher, but can’t be said to smell bad. Halitosis is persistent, there all the time, and can get as bad as the smell of rotten eggs.

Tip: Eat All The Onion You Want: Your breath won’t smell it if you eat a fist-full of curly parsley afterward. Chew it well and slowly so the chlorophyll has time to do its magic in your mouth. Some people say this works on garlic too, but I have not found that to be the case. Nothing seems to disguise having eaten fresh garlic.

According to dentists and hygienists, there are many things that go wrong in the mouth that can contribute to persistent bad breath. The most common causes are a poorly cleaned tongue, which accounts for the largest percentage of mouth related bad breath, and the mouth itself, where the failure to brush properly and floss regularly permit microscopic bits of rotting food to accumulate between teeth, and in the niches between teeth and gums.

Over 600 kinds of bacteria live in the average human mouth, though not all of them cause bad breath, and some are even necessary for good dental health. But to ensure fresh breath you have to reduce the level of bacteria in the mouth by properly cleaning your teeth and tongue.


Dentists recommend brushing a minimum of two minutes. Most people try hard to do this for the whole two minutes. My electric toothbrush has a timer that beeps when two minutes are up, indicating that I have passed my recommended brushing time.

This is crazy. If you want to ensure fresh breath you have to brush a lot longer than two measly minutes. Adults have approximately 32 teeth. All of them have two or more surfaces that need to be cleaned. That’s a potential of over 80 separate surfaces. If you follow conventional advice and brush for only two minutes, 120 seconds, you spend only 1.5 seconds per surface, or 3 to 4.5 seconds per tooth. That’s not enough, especially if you’re worried about your breath.

I brush my teeth in the morning with an electric toothbrush for about 15 minutes. It may sound like a lot, but that’s only about 10 seconds per surface, plus 20 seconds to clean and rinse my tongue. In the evening I brush with a manual toothbrush for about 5 minutes. My hygienist never fails to mention how clean my teeth are, and how easy it is for her to do the cleaning. I’m not saying you have to brush 15 minutes with an electric toothbrush. I don’t know, maybe that’s excessive. But try to brush at least 5 minutes, regardless of the toothbrush; that’s around 10 seconds per tooth.

While brushing your teeth is important for fresh breath, more mouth odor starts on the tongue than on the teeth.


When you finish brushing your teeth, your work isn’t over. You still have to clean your tongue where 80 percent of malodorous mouth smells originate. Without proper cleaning, the tongue becomes coated with microscopic bits of food that you ate. You wake up each day with morning breath and a white coating on your tongue, due to your body using the mouth as a way to excrete toxins and wastes. Make no mistake. That white coating on your tongue is waste matter and needs to be removed. Preferably before you eat breakfast, so you don’t swallow the waste along with your food, and reintroduce the toxins to your system.

If you don’t clean your tongue every time you brush your teeth, more and more organic detritus piles up every time you eat. It festers and the bacteria happily feed on it. Remember that great Thai meal you had last week? Well, if you don’t clean your tongue each time you brush, some of it is still hanging around in there. This supply of rotting matter supports myriad populations of bacteria on the tongue, and the combination can ruin your dreams of fresh breath.

You don’t need a special instrument to clean your tongue, though many people prefer to use one. You can use a junior size, soft bristle manual toothbrush reserved for this purpose only. [Do not use an electric toothbrush for this, as it is too harsh for the tongue.]

Do not use the old toothpaste left from brushing your teeth to clean your tongue. After you brush your teeth, rinse your mouth as usual. Add a dab of fresh toothpaste on your special brush. Run warm water over it. Get it foamy by brushing your front teeth for two seconds. Then brush your tongue for 15 seconds, with short, gentle but firm strokes, front, middle, and sides, and as far back as you can go without gagging, which is about one half to two-thirds of the way.

Do not try to brush past a point of comfort. After you spit and rinse, hold your toothbrush under cold water. Use the cold water on the brush to scrub the toothpaste and any residual coating off your tongue. Do this cold water rinse a couple times. Compare the way your tongue looks now with the way it looked before you cleaned it. Big difference, right?

Note to singers: some of you come on camera dressed to kill, and singing like some wonder from another planet. But when you open your mouth wide to hit those high notes the camera gets a really good look at your tongue. So maybe you should too, before you sing.


Besides brushing well and cleaning your tongue, you have to floss as well. If you don’t you will lose teeth. Above I mentioned that microscopic bits of rotting food accumulate between teeth, and in the niches between teeth and gums if you don’t floss. This causes a continual odor in your mouth. After a while the food forms a hard plaque. The plaque accumulates, opening a pocket, forcing the gum away from the tooth. Eventually, the tooth loosens and falls out, or has to be pulled. This can happen to all your teeth, and the process causes ongoing and persistent bad breath.

By flossing you can clean below the gum line between teeth, as well as the sides of each tooth that you can’t reach otherwise, and prevent this plaque buildup.

You’re supposed to floss daily, but you can cheat here by keeping with you a pack of “The Doctor’s Brushpicks, Interdental Toothpicks.” (Brushpicks.com) One end is shaped like a regular toothpick, but has ridges for scrubbing between teeth; the other end has stiff hair like projections that are perfect for flossing below the gum line between teeth. Use these to clean between your teeth after every meal. And floss for real as often as you can.

Also, try to see a hygienist at least twice a year and have annual checkups at your dentist.


Occasional bad mouth odor and Halitosis can come from causes not directly related to the mouth, tongue or gums. In the nose, an impacted or infected sinus, or post nasal drip can cause unpleasant breath. Putrefaction can develop in tonsils and cause a terrible stink in the mouth. All sorts of hideous things can happen in the esophagus, the tube that connects the mouth to the stomach, to cause bad breath, including a poor fitting cardia valve, or a diverticulum. Other general causes cited are obesity, poor digestion, chronic constipation, smoking cigarettes, or drinking alcohol.

Definition: Cardia Valve: This is the valve between the stomach and the esophagus, which is supposed to close tightly to keep foul smelling gases from leaving the stomach and returning the wrong way, back up into the esophagus, causing persistent bad odors in the mouth.
Definition: Diverticulum: This is a hernia through the muscle wall of a tubular organ, where a small section of the wall balloons out, forming a bubble. In the esophagus, it can result in persistent bad breath due to rotting food bits that get caught in the bubble.

Halitosis affects one in five people in varying degrees, and besides your tongue and mouth, is also caused by your body’s long term inability to efficiently remove waste matter. It comes from diet, and how well you digest and assimilate food. Therefore, further steps must be taken to clean up Halitosis, in addition to having good dental hygiene.

If you opened the door to a closet or a refrigerator, or pulled out a drawer in your kitchen, or removed a sock from your foot, or lifted the lid from a garbage can, and a hideous stench wafted up your nostrils, you would immediately conclude that something needed cleaning. Same with the human body. If you have bad breath you have to cleanse your whole body, and take steps to ensure that it remains clean. Then you won’t have to worry about your breath ever again, except for the occasional pasta e fagioli.

Chlorophyll Concentrate, Activated Charcoal, Aloe Vera Gel Liquid and the one day fasts are recommended to actually clean out various areas of your body, and prevent odors that are expelled through your mouth. Betaine Hydrochloride, which is a supplemental form of stomach acid, is recommended for better digestion, ensuring that your food will be adequately digested before it leaves your stomach. You don’t want any big chunks hanging around too long in your intestines, stinking up the place. (For that same reason, remember to chew your food well in order to properly prepare it for digestion, before it hits your stomach.) L-Cysteine, Lecithin, and C Complex assist with after-cleanse waste removal.

FRESH BREATH Quick Glance Chart
Supplement Breakfast Dinner Brand Strength
Chlorophyll Concentrate (softgels only) 2 softgels 2 softgels Puritan’s Pride #3461 NA
Activated Charcoal (capsules only) 1-2 capsules 1-2 capsules Puritan’s Pride #3680 260 mg
Aloe Vera Gel (softgels only) 2 softgels 2 softgels Puritan’s Pride 2682 200:1 extract (equivalant to 1 teaspoon)
Betaine Hydrochloride 2 tablets (or more) 2 tablets (or more) Puritan’s Pride #3850 400 mg
L-Cysteine (capsules only) 2 capsules 2 capsules Puritan’s Pride #100 500 mg
Vitamin C Complex 2 tablets 2 tablets Puritan’s Pride #3140 1000 mg
Lecithin (softgels only) 4 softgels 4 softgels Puritan’s Pride #303 1200 mg
LIQUID FASTS will help cleanse your entire system of the toxins that cause bad breath. For the first month, fast one day a week. After the first month you can cut back to one fast per month for the next six months.► This is an entire 24-hour-plus period. You wake up on fast day, consume only liquids for the whole day, go to sleep, then wake up and break your fast. If you fast Saturday, you will eat nothing from Friday night until Sunday morning. Go easy on your stomach for your first meal.► Alternate drinking 8 ozs of carrot juice with your juice(s) of choice. Drink the 8 ozs every hour, at the same time each hour, for 10 hours. For instance, if you drink 8 ozs of carrot juice at 8:30 a.m., at 9:30 you might have a tomato juice, then 10:30 carrot juice again. 11:30 maybe pineapple, 12:30 carrot, and so forth. You will continue every hour like this, with your last drink at 5:30 p.m. You may continue until a later cut off time if you wish.► You may use heated vegetable or chicken broth in place of any alternate juice, but not the carrot. Sip the juice or broth. Don’t gulp it down. In addition to the juices and broths, you may drink as much water as you like.► It is not a good idea to fast on a work day. After several hours of drinking juice you may start to feel really tired, exhausted even. If you are able, don’t fight it. Go to bed. Many people experience a long and restful sleep after a fast day, and wake up feeling exhilarated.► If you drink on time exactly, like you’re supposed to, your hunger will decrease and disappear after a few hours. If you miss your feeding, your appetite will rage. If hunger becomes unbearable at any time, you may munch on a handful of almonds (salted or unsalted, and not the whole bag, please). But eat no other food on your fast day. Your goal is to have nothing but liquids for a whole day.► Under NO circumstances should you fast without drinking liquids other than water. Fasting doesn’t mean you provide no nutrition to your body.► Take no supplements while you are fasting, but continue with the supplements once you are eating again.
OTHER FOOD CONSIDERATIONS► Eat a green-leaf salad at least once a day. It must contain a good amount of parsley, but no meat. Cheese is okay, but not croutons. Dress the salad only with vinaigrette and your choice of spices. Add any additional raw vegetables you wish—carrot, tomato, cucumber, etc. Add nothing to the salad that has been cooked. “Pasta salads,” or “bean salads” do not qualify.► Eat one small, raw apple daily.
Definition: Vitamin C Complex: It contains Vitamin C (as Rosehips and/or Ascorbic Acid) plus Rutin, Citrus Bioflavonoids, Hesperidin Complex, and Acerola. Puritan’s Pride also adds Alfalfa and Barley Grass to its C Complex. (If you can’t find C Complex, use straight C.)


► You can take Betaine Hydrochloride even if you have acid reflux. In fact, Betaine Hydrochloride is what I recommend for that condition, which is actually caused by not enough acid present in the stomach, not too much.

Please be nice to each other, and look for my next post: Blog 11: Herpes, where I tell you how to absolutely avoid cold sores and the genital variety, or stop an outbreak in mere hours.


Your support is greatly appreciated.


Lynn Capehart Wellness Foundation is a non-profit corporation. All donations are tax deductible. We appreciate your support for our Vitamin Scholarship Program, to provide supplements to those who can’t afford them. Make donations in the name of lynncapehartnonprofit@outlook.com at www.paypal.com using any credit card or bank. Contact me: lynncapehart@gmail.com. Thank you.

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CATEGORY: 5: Auto Immune https://lynncapehartwellness.com/2013/09/01/blog-30-essay-2-the-seven-categories-of-illness/


Definition: Multiple Sclerosis: The words Sclerosis and Cirrhosis are used interchangeably. Both terms mean “scarring” due to chronic inflammation. For instance, Cirrhosis of the Liver is scarring of the liver. Multiple Sclerosis, then, is “multiple scarring,” on nerve endings throughout the central nervous system. It is called “multiple scarring,” because it occurs in so many places within your brain and spinal cord. The scarring, which worsens with each MS flare up, first interrupts and later destroys the ability of the nerve cells to communicate with each other. This inability to relay messages due to excess scarring is what causes MS and all of its symptoms.

When I finished graduate school and fled Ann Arbor’s fierce weather, I promised myself I would never set eyes on another snow flake. I headed for the warmest spot I could afford, southern California, where for months I squandered most of my waking hours in cutoffs and a red bikini top, on the sands of Pacific Beach and La Jolla. My classmates were dutifully cramming for the licensing exam, but I feared that hearing even one more citation, anybody vs. anybody, would cause my head to detonate.


I clocked in at the beach like I worked there, and started noticing the same people. Harold was out of place so he interested me right away. He was the only man on the beach everyday sporting a shirt and tie. Small, 45, with an icy sense of humor, he walked with two canes, and swore in Yiddish when he was tickled, tricked, or ticked. He wouldn’t discuss what he’d said later, just dust you off with, “Agh, you wouldn’t understand.” Locals hung around him like he was Fonzie. They weren’t real friends, just oiled beach bums trolling for free food and drinks. Harold always paid for the party.

Harold had MS but pretended he didn’t, and like true comrades under the sun, so did all us hangers on. He could walk only a few yards, even with the canes, before he had to stop and rest, exertion glistening his face, and sprouting wet half moons under his arms, while he acted like nothing was wrong. He would pretend he had stopped to appreciate something unique about the environment, the weather, architecture, or a person who just passed by. We would play along, talk about it until he caught his breath, regained his gait. When he crept forward so did we, looking like an ambitious amoeba, as if this pace were the most natural thing in the world.

I admired Harold’s courageous aspect on his disease, pretending his MS didn’t exist, when all his family wanted was him safe at home in a wheelchair. I witnessed an episode when his son, Steve, a newly minted lawyer, came to Rick’s American Café in PB to convince him to stop hanging out at the beach with a bunch of losers. And saying it right in front of said losers too. Harold reverted to Yiddish after that, so I don’t know what he told his son. But the lawyer blinked three times, stood up, and walked away without saying another word. I assumed Harold told him something like, he wasn’t going quietly into the darkness that awaited him.

Harold was diagnosed with MS at 31, and had continual flare-ups since then. In the beginning, after each episode, he got better as if nothing were wrong, until one day the disease progressed without abating. He had trouble understanding how MS could rob him of fine motor control for days, weeks, or months, only to wake up one morning feeling fine again. The explanation is that it takes repeated inflammation flare ups before the scarring is bad enough to cut off communication between the nerves. Meaning that you can feel perfectly normal in the beginning between flare ups.

MS can strike at any age, but is usually diagnosed between 20 and 40. It is a disease of the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord; sometimes the optic nerve is affected too), and affects more women than men. It is an auto immune disorder because it’s the body’s own immune system that triggers the episodes of inflammation. The triggered inflammation leads to scarring of the myelin sheath, cuts off nerve communication, and causes MS and its symptoms.

Definition: Myelin Sheath: This is a protective covering wrapped around each nerve ending in your central nervous system. Nerve cells talk to each other and relay messages by sending electrical signals along their axons, which are long thin fibers, with their tips wrapped in insulation called myelin.


When you decide to walk across the room to play a DVD, the nerve cells in your brain and spinal cord have to do a lot of communicating to get the job done. A limited sample: You have to (1) lift your body up from the sofa, which involves feet, legs, arms, neck, and back muscles, (2) coordinate your arms and legs to get across the room, while keeping your head steady on your neck, and not losing your balance and toppling over, (3) remain standing upright while you brain goes through a complex series of actions to decide which movie to choose, (4) coordinate your shoulders, arms, and fingers to remove the DVD from the case and insert it into the player, (5) use almost all of your muscles to turn your body, return to the sofa, and enjoy the movie.

MS affects the ability of the nerve cells in your brain and spinal cord to communicate with each other the way they had to in order to get that movie playing. When a message (electrical impulse) gets to one nerve’s myelin wrapped end, it has to jump a gap between itself and the next nerve fiber so the message can continue along the axons. Remember the way Sandra Bullock’s character propelled the bus over the gap in the highway in the movie Speed? That’s what the signals in your brain and spinal cord have to do to complete their communication. They have to jump gaps in the line, like the bus did.

When your immune system attacks nerve cells in the central nervous system, it triggers inflammation on the myelin insulation. Once that particular flare up of inflammation has healed, and the process repeats itself over and over, the myelin wrapped nerve ending develops sclerosis/scarring, and can no longer transmit to or receive messages from other axons. When enough nerve endings have shut down from scarring, you won’t be able to get off that sofa, or on to it for that matter, without assistance.


There are different forms of MS: The first is relapse form, like Harold had in the beginning, where the symptoms come and go, and you appear to get better after each attack; and progressive form, where the disease hits you and gets worse without ever seeming to go away, which Harold had in the end. Both forms cause permanent neurological problems as the disease advances, even if they are not noticeable for a long time. That’s why it’s important to stop MS in its early stages before too much scarring has occurred, which may be irreversible.

To treat MS we have to get to the core problem, which is calming down the immune system so that it stops attacking the body it is supposed to protect. For that reason I recommend Monavie Active to stop and control MS. It is a combination juice drink with Acai Berry as its main component. Currently, a month’s supply costs approximately $150; that’s one bottle per week. Nothing works better on immune disorders than Monavie Active. Nothing. And it will control your MS. The first chart below tells you how to take it and gives you a link to Monavie to order it.

The second chart tells you how to use less expensive supplement therapy to control MS if you cannot afford Monavie Active.

Supplement Breakfast Dinner Brand Strength
Monavie Active 2 ounces 2 ounces Monavie Active Active (only)
Monavie Active is dense and delicious, and appears to have silt and sediment in it. Make sure you shake it well, but do not discard anything that comes out of the bottle. Consume everything, tiny chunks, silt, etc. Try to take it first thing in the morning when you wake up, and about 20 minutes before you eat dinner. Some people prefer to take the second dose right before they go to bed, saying it also helps them sleep better

If you can’t afford Monavie Active, you can control your MS with supplement therapy. They will work, but it’s not as easy as just sipping a great tasting juice twice daily.

Supplement Breakfast Dinner Brand Strength
Bee Pollen Complex 6 caplets 6 caplets Puritan’s Pride #4390 1000 mg
Vitamin C Complex 2 tablets 2 tablets Puritan’s Pride #3140 1000 mg
Beta Carotene (softgels only) 15 softgels 15 softgels Puritan’s Pride #1223 25,000 IU (equivalent to 15 mg)
Vitamin D3 (softgels only) 1 softgel 1 softgel Puritan’s Pride #15605 1000 IU

Bee Pollen is the main supplement to balance and calm down your immune system. (If the above dosage does not control your MS, add a third dose of Bee Pollen and Vitamin C Complex at lunch time. Bee Pollen will not harm you so feel free to take as much as you need to control your MS.) Vitamin C Complex assists Bee Pollen in its calming function. Beta Carotene stops the inflammation response to the auto immune trigger. Vitamin D3 helps Beta Carotene in its inflammation fighting function.

Definition: Bee Pollen Complex: It contains Bee Pollen, Bee Propolis, and Royal Jelly. (If you can’t find Bee Pollen Complex, use straight Bee Pollen.)
Definition: Vitamin C Complex: It contains Vitamin C (as Rosehips and/or Ascorbic Acid) plus Rutin, Citrus Bioflavonoids, Hesperidin Complex, and Acerola. Puritan’s Pride also adds Alfalfa and Barley Grass to its C Complex. (If you can’t find C Complex, use straight C.)


► Remember, these are not pills you’re taking, but concentrated food supplements. This isn’t medicine. It’s nutrition.

► If you take Beta Carotene without also taking Vitamin D, you will deplete your stores of Vitamin D and develop a Vitamin D deficiency. It usually manifests as sores on the inside of the mouth. Always take Vitamin D when you take Beta Carotene.

Vitamin D3 is recommended because it more closely replicates the Vitamin D made naturally on your skin from contact with the sun. But if you can’t find D3, take straight Vitamin D.

Please be nice to each other, and look for my next post: Blog 10: Halitosis/Chronic Bad Breath, where I tell you how to eliminate this problem and be assured that your breath is always fresh!

PLEASE DONATE. Your support is greatly appreciated.


Lynn Capehart Wellness Foundation is a non-profit corporation. All donations are tax deductible. We appreciate your support for our Vitamin Scholarship Program to provide supplements to those who can’t afford them. Make donations to lynncapehartnonprofit@outlook.com at www.paypal.com using any credit card or bank. Thank you. Contact me: lynncapehart@gmail.com. Thank you.

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