
Archive for May, 2011


CATEGORY: 4: Auto Immune Type

RECOMMENDED SUPPLEMENTS: Monavie Active or Supplement Therapy  

Definition: Allergen: This is any normally harmless substance that causes an allergic reaction in someone. Others may suffer from the same allergen as you, or it may affect only you. The root cause is the same however, a malfunctioning immune system.


This is the season of misery for many allergy sufferers, whose allergen is pollen that causes hay fever. But all sorts of allergens negatively impact people’s health and happiness year round. The list of them is growing in step with our hyper sensitivity to more and more normally harmless things around us. It’s as if we were becoming allergic to the very environment itself. And when you examine the expanding list of allergens, it actually seems as though that’s the case.


Allergies arise from two causes: Genetics, what you inherit from your family; and Environment, what you come into contact with as you live your life.

The genetic factor: It is believed that while specific allergies are not usually inherited, if both parents have allergies their children will probably have them too, just different ones. The probability of allergies in the offspring increases if it’s the mother who has the problem. Meaning, you won’t necessarily inherit the same allergies as your parents, just the propensity to develop allergies generally. This is true because an impaired immune system is subject to many different allergies, as well as, other disorders.

This ties into what I’ve been saying about seemingly inherited disorders actually being a function of a poor diet that’s simply passed on to succeeding generations, along with the attendant deficiencies. And it’s worse if Mom has the allergy only because it’s usually she who makes the choices about food purchases and preparation. So if Mom’s family diet is giving her allergies, it will probably give them to you as well if you’re eating her cooking. Because Mom’s family diet is missing a nutrient necessary to avoid allergies. You don’t inherit bad genes, just bad eating habits.

The environmental factor: The short list of normally innocuous allergens now includes the more common ones like grass, weed, tree, and flower pollen; but also mold fungi, house dust and bacterial dust mites; pet dander, especially from cats, dogs, and birds; insect bites from bees and wasps, as well as simply living in close proximity to other insects like cockroaches; lotions and soaps; make-up and every cosmetic and perfume; plants including poison ivy, poison oak, and sumac; jewelry and latex; medicines like penicillin and antibiotics; and even sunlight.

Some of the more serious allergens are food based ones like peanut, shell fish and wheat—not to be confused with celiac disease that causes a sensitivity to the gluten found in wheat. There have even been rare cases of one person being allergic to another, where the body actually perceives the other person as an allergen.


The increased sensitivity to these normally harmless substances is occurring because our immune systems are underfed, and made weak by this lack of nutrition. We then pass on the poor diet habits and immune weakness to our progeny, making them more susceptible to immune related problems, like allergies. Despite the long, varied, and growing list of allergens, all allergies are truly caused by an overly sensitive immune system. It reacts when it’s not supposed to. That’s why I categorize allergies as Auto Immune Type. Though they are not strictly considered an auto immune disorder, they do result from an inappropriate response from the immune system. If you can stop the inappropriate response, you can stop allergies.

The immune system can be compared to two personality types in humans. There is a type of person who remains calm under pressure, who never raises his voice, who varies his methods as necessary to deal with new crises without getting flustered. He would never lose his cool and do something inappropriate. Let’s call him Andy. We all know someone like this and admire that grace under pressure they possess.

But there is another type of person who gets upset at the slightest thing, who has trouble sleeping, who jumps at every noise, and is always over anxious. Anything can set him off, and he’s known to cry at the slightest frustration or bad news. Let’s call him Bob. We also all know someone like this and usually can’t wait to get away from them, because their anxiety can be draining.

These two personality types can also describe two types of immune systems. Andy represents a stable, healthy one that doesn’t mistake harmless substances as potentially dangerous allergens. When Andy kicks in it is to respond to a real emergency. Bob represents a hyper sensitive immune system that has a hair trigger, and will send out t-cells and antihistamines, to cause inflammation at the slightest disturbance. Bob’s hand is always hovering over the red “go” button.

Ordinarily, it’s the immune system’s job to protect your body against truly harmful substances, like viruses, pollution, bacteria and subsequent infection. Unfortunately, an over anxious immune system like Bob will wrongly react to benign substances and treat them like allergens. When this happens, Bob goes into full lock down and sends out all the troops to fight . . . what? An imaginary foe, a ghost, a daydream, something that isn’t really there. At that point, the system has become disabled, has lost the ability to tell friend from foe. In so doing, it makes you suffer needlessly. And the restrictions that allergies place on you! You can’t eat this, you can’t drink that, can’t smell this, can’t touch whatever, can’t go to that place! But if you feed the immune system it can and will recover.

People who suffer from allergies can choose from a large menu of miseries, including:


swollen, red, itchy, watery eyes

serial sneezing

runny or stuffy nose

post nasal drip

itchy skin around nose and mouth

itchiness inside ear canal

ringing or buzzing in the ears

inner ear swelling leading to dizziness and vertigo

mental confusion

throat tickling


sore throat

asthma attack

respiratory swelling that narrows airways and threatens breathing

extra mucous production

lung congestion


itchy skin on body

eczema (rough, inflamed, blistered and sometimes bleeding skin)


skin rashes


skin peeling

stomach cramps



abdominal cramps



plus others specific to an individual

It is the level of the immune reaction to an allergen that determines whether you have an allergic response that passes quickly or one that threatens your life. A mild attack of any of these symptoms would be annoying, but something you could forget about once it was over. Bump these same symptoms up from mild to moderate and you might be more concerned and looking for some over the counter relief.

But if some of them rise to severe they can threaten your life. This situation is referred to as anaphylaxis, a condition where the immune system’s response to an allergen is violent and immediate, affecting the entire body. If the symptom involves swelling of the respiratory track it can prevent breathing. In that case, if you don’t get a shot of epinephrine (adrenaline) immediately, you may die from lack of oxygen. There are a lot of good reasons to try to prevent allergies.


Let’s say that you’re taking a walk through a flower garden one morning, when suddenly the back of your throat begins to itch and tighten up, making you cough. At the same time your eyes start to itch and your nose begins discharging mucus. Your hyper sensitive immune system, Bob, has overreacted to a harmless substance, flower pollen, interpreting it as an enemy element. In response, and wrongly thinking it is under attack, the immune system activates and releases defense troops by way of white blood cells, resulting in an extreme inflammatory response.

Part of this inflammatory response includes producing unnecessary antibodies to ward off the imaginary enemy allergen. In turn, the antibodies cause chemicals—histamines—to be released into the bloodstream. The histamines are what actually cause the symptomatic itching, sneezing, swelling of affected tissues, and other symptoms that characterizes an inflammatory allergic response.


The therapies discussed here will calm down an over anxious immune system, and stop Bob from reacting to inherently harmless things that will not hurt you, like pollen, house dust, shellfish, or latex. It will also stop and control for all time any allergy your body can dream up.


You can drink Monavie Active twice daily and do nothing else, and your allergies will end. Doing this will cost about $100 a month. A lot of us can’t afford that amount in this economy. If so, you can take a less expensive combination of supplements to control your allergies. The supplement therapy follows the Monavie chart.

Fighting Allergies Using Monavie Active Quick Glance Chart
Supplement Breakfast Dinner Brand Strength
Monavie Active 2 ounces 2 ounces Monavie Active NA
Monavie is dense and delicious, a combination of 19 fruit juices with acai berry as its main component. It appears to have silt and sediment in it. Make sure you shake it well, but do not discard anything that comes out of the bottle. Consume everything, tiny chunks, silt, etc. Try to take it first thing in the morning when you wake up, and about 20 minutes before you eat dinner. Some people prefer to take the second dose right before they go to bed, saying it also helps them sleep better. Whatever else it does, nothing works better on immune problems than Monavie Active.


The supplement therapy centers on Bee Pollen. Think of it as the immune system’s favorite solid food. It loves Bee Pollen, can’t get enough, and will return to good health if it is fed sufficient quantities of it. Regardless of your trigger allergen—the substance or thing that causes your particular allergy response—Bee Pollen will treat the root problem in the immune system and calm it down, stop it from over reacting to nothing.

It sounds counterintuitive, I know. You’re thinking that if pollen is your trigger allergen, how can taking more bee pollen help the situation. For one thing, bees secrete a substance on the pollen they collect, making it sticky to ensure they won’t drop it on their way back to the hive. Plus, the pollen that bees collect is from many varied flowers and plants. So Bee Pollen in supplement form is not strictly the same pollen you encounter on your walk among the flowers. Whatever that substance is that’s added by the bees helps us control allergies.

Inflammation is also part of an allergic reaction, which is why Beta Carotene is recommended. (Please see Blog 3: The Danger of Inflammation for more on this subject.) Vitamin D3 supports Beta Carotene in its inflammation fighting function. And Lecithin is recommended to clear up lung congestion and the extra mucous production that often accompanies an allergic response.

Once your allergy is under control, meaning you have been symptom free for at least two weeks, you can stop everything except Bee Pollen. But if you’re not taking Monavie Active, then Bee Pollen must be your minimum front line of defense against allergies, if you want to prevent them without prescriptions. Take Bee Pollen daily, and you’ll forget that you even have allergies. But the minute you stop taking Bee Pollen, or Monavie Active if you decide on it, your allergy will return with full effects.

Fighting Allergies Using Supplements Quick Glance Chart
Supplement Breakfast Dinner Brand Strength
Bee Pollen Complex 4 tablets 4 tablets Puritan’s Pride #4390 1000 mg+
Beta Carotene (softgels only) 15 softgels 15 softgels Puritan’s Pride #1223 25,000 IU (equivalent to 15 mg)
Vitamin D3 (softgels only) 1 softgel 1 softgel Puritan’s Pride #15605 1000 IU
Lecithin (softgels only) 5 softgels 5 softgels Puritan’s Pride #303 1200 mg
Definition: Bee Pollen Complex: This pressed pellet tablet contains 1000 mg of Bee Pollen, plus 10 mg of Bee Propolis, and 10 mg of the powerful Bee Royal Jelly. If you can’t fine Bee Pollen Complex, use straight Bee Pollen.


► It is important to make either Monavie Active or Bee Pollen a daily and regular part of your diet, even when you are not having allergy symptoms, or when it isn’t your “season” for allergies. The idea is to move the immune system into a state of calm and keep it there. It will be a stronger immune system and will do a better job of protecting your body against all sorts of ailments, including allergies.

► If you take Beta Carotene without also taking Vitamin D, you will deplete your stores of Vitamin D and develop a Vitamin D deficiency. It usually manifests as sores on the inside of the mouth. Always take Vitamin D when you take Beta Carotene.

Vitamin D3 is recommended because it more closely replicates the Vitamin D made naturally on your skin from contact with the sun. But if you can’t find D3, take straight Vitamin D.

► I have recommended Puritan’s Pride brand because their Lecithin is from soybeans only, and contains a minimum of 70 mg of phosphatides in each 1200 mg softgel, equivalent to 61 percent phosphatides. The value of a Lecithin product is determined by the percentage of phosphatides it contains, because they activate the emulsifying process in your body. You may use another brand, but make sure it conforms to or exceeds these specifications or it will not work.

Please be nice to each other, and look for my next post: Blog 16: Cancer In Cats & Dogs, where I explain how to keep your companion pets safe from cancer.


Your support is greatly appreciated.


Lynn Capehart Wellness Foundation, Inc., is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation, meaning that any donation you make is tax deductible. We appreciate your support for our current efforts to establish a Vitamin Scholarship Program, so that we may supply supplements to those who could be cured of their disorders, but who cannot afford the annual cost. You may make your donations to lynncapehartnonprofit@outlook.com at www.paypal.com using any credit card or bank anywhere in the world. Thank you.

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CATEGORY: 3: Blockage


close up of linked hands of couple

One caveat with this blog is that the therapy will work if the problems are indeed physical, and caused by a slowdown of blood flow to the penis. It won’t work if the problems are psychological, in your head—like maybe you don’t like your partner so much anymore, or you lost a bundle in a bad investment and aren’t feeling very sexy at this time.

On the other hand, if you have trouble performing when you really want to, that can mess with your mind and cause its own set of psychological problems, even though the cause is truly physical. For that reason, let’s start by assuming the problem is physical for now, and that Lecithin can help you. A few men will notice improvement the same day they start Lecithin therapy. Some within 72 hours of regular use. For others it could take as much as 21 to 30 days of regular use. But it will work. If it’s physical, and there isn’t some other profound medical problem going on.

The most common reason for an inability to achieve and hold on to an erection is a blockage in the blood vessels inside the penis. An erection is all about blood flow—into, and out of, the penis. The more blood flowing into the penis the more rigid will be the erection. The more constricted the blood flow, the limper will be the penis. If not enough blood gets into the penis in time, or if too much blood flows out of it too soon, full erection is not possible to achieve or maintain.

All that the common medications do is cause more blood to flow into the penis and to be held there. Sometimes for too long past arousal, and hence the four hour erection warning. But Lecithin can do this naturally, so you don’t have to worry about drug side effects or being ready at the right moment. You will be ready whenever you want to be. You may even experience spontaneous erections for no reason as men do when they’re fairly young.

Tip: Penis Size: Men make a big deal about penis size. There are all sorts of tongue-in-cheek references in movies, TV, and books, to the point that the “size matters” allusion has entered the popular lexicon. I have news for guys. Even though orgasm and ejaculation are possible without a full erection, all the women I’ve ever talked to care less about size and more about the erection. To most women, the strength of the erection is far more important than the size of the penis. If it’s small but hard, you can make your partner happy. If it’s large but limp, they won’t be nearly as impressed. Size doesn’t matter, but hardness does.    


When you are sexually stimulated, physically or psychologically, the brain sends messages to your penis that relax the smooth muscles in and around the blood vessel walls of the corpus cavernosum, causing them to open wider and fill with blood. It is this increased blood flow that gets the penis to harden and enlarge.

Definition: Corpus Cavernosum: The inner shaft of the penis is divided into two side-by-side erectile tunnels. Together they make up the corpus cavernosum. Inside both tunnels is a spongy tissue that consists of smooth muscle and lots of blood vessels. It is these blood vessels that are responsible for creating an erection. They determine whether the erection is strong or weak, based on the amount of blood they receive and hold on to.

At the same time the blood vessels in the penis are filling up, the veins that carry blood away from the penis shut down, causing an increase in blood pressure that swells the penis and traps blood there. It is this trapped blood that keeps the penis hard and erect.

If the blood vessel walls in the penis become blocked with plaque and other organic debris, blood can’t get inside, and you won’t be able to have a full erection. The blood vessels in the penis are part of your body’s complex arterial system. That same system feeds your brain and heart and stomach—all parts of you. A blockage in brain arteries will lead to stroke and or Alzheimer’s. A blockage in the arteries feeding the heart will lead to angina and or heart attack. A blockage in stomach arteries will lead to incredible pain and digestion problems. And a blockage in the blood vessels of the penis will prevent full, or even any erection.

That’s why you find men with heart disease, Alzheimer’s, or other blockage disorders, who also can’t achieve erection. It’s not because the disease is causing the failure, but that all the conditions stem from the same cause—blockages within a closed arterial system. Problems getting and maintaining an erection also have little to do with age. Men are told that their reactions will take longer as they age. But this is true only because the older a man’s body gets, the more time has passed in which blockages can begin, accumulate, and decrease blood flow to the penis.

If you can eliminate the blockages preventing full and unfettered blood flow to the penis, you will eliminate most erectile dysfunction.


When you eat something your body has trouble processing, like a double bacon cheeseburger with extra mayo, French fries, onion rings, and a deep fried Snickers bar, without also providing it with an emulsifier, it stores the left over gunk it can’t get rid of in all sorts of inner nooks and crannies. Just like you do in real life. But instead of a drawer, closet or garage, the body stores it in a number of places, including the arteries in your penis.

Blockages are a whole separate category of diseases unto themselves in my paradigm of wellness. Looking in from the outside, we may call it erectile dysfunction, but it’s actually a blockage masquerading as erectile dysfunction. It could also “pretend” to be Alzheimer’s, heart disease, lung congestion, or a stiff elbow joint. Your arterial pathways have to be kept clear or you will be at risk for many blockage diseases besides erectile dysfunction. But all of the blockage disorders, including erectile dysfunction can be treated successfully with Lecithin.


Lecithin is a natural substance extracted from soybean oil. It is known to be safe, and has been used in our food supply since the early 1900’s. Take a look in your cabinets at the boxes, jars, cans, and bottles there. Lecithin is used as an ingredient in countless foods and cosmetics, because of its ability to emulsify, stabilize, thicken, and moisturize. It also has great suspension qualities.

Without Lecithin, when you opened a box of biscuit mix, it wouldn’t come out in a nice powdery stream, but would plop into your bowl with clumps. Without Lecithin, facial moisturizer wouldn’t be creamy and smooth, but would show the oils coagulated and greasy. Without Lecithin, mayonnaise would be a congealed mess, unspreadable. Likewise, peanut butter. Lecithin is what keeps ingredients in suspension, as a mixture, and keeps the oils from separating from the other ingredients.

It’s Lecithin’s ability to keep organic particles in suspension—and to break up those that have hardened into plaque—that makes it such a valuable food supplement. It does the same thing in your body as it does in the food container: keeps organic particles suspended, not allowing them to clump together. Each Lecithin molecule binds with an organic molecule and prevents it from joining with other similar molecules, by holding it in suspension while it travels through your body and is expelled. Without sufficient Lecithin in your system, oils, fats, and other organic compounds can clump together, solidify, clog up and cause blockages in vital areas, like the penis.

While Lecithin prevents blockages in the arteries that prevent sufficient blood flow from getting into the penis, two other supplements are important and should be added to the Lecithin therapy.

First is Rutin, one of the elements of the Vitamin C Complex. If you’re having problems getting full erections, you have to worry not only about blood getting into the penis, which Lecithin will solve, but also that it doesn’t leave the penis until you are finished. Rutin will strengthen the walls of the entire arterial system, including the veins that are supposed to shut down and trap blood in the penile blood vessels. If these vein walls are weak they can’t trap the blood, which will flow out of the penis prematurely, causing a loss of erection despite sufficient blood flow in.

Second is Gingko Biloba, an herb and a mild but effective natural blood thinner. It will help more blood get through the blockages while Lecithin is cleaning them out.

Supplement Breakfast Dinner Brand Strength
Lecithin (softgels only) 6 softgels 6 softgels Puritan’s Pride #303 1200 mg
Lecithin Granules 1 heaping tablespoon Puritan’s Pride #1064 NA
Gingko Biloba (capsules only) 1 capsule 1 capsule Puritan’s Pride #4544 120 mg
Rutin 4 tablets 4 tablets Puritan’s Pride #1561 500 mg


► When you use Lecithin regularly, in the beginning you will notice other things happening because of its emulsifying abilities. It will clean out not just the arteries in the penis, but throughout the entire arterial system. You may notice that you are coughing up and blowing out of your nose a lot more mucous than usual, because that is one of the body’s channels for getting rid of waste. This is happening because Lecithin is breaking up blockages and causing the wastes to be expelled. This is a good sign and after a while, as more and more organic debris is cleaned out of your body this will end.

► I have recommended Puritan’s Pride brand because their Lecithin is from soybeans only, and contains a minimum of 732 mg of phosphatides in each 1200 mg softgel, equivalent to 61 percent phosphatides. The value of a Lecithin product is determined by the percentage of phosphatides it contains, because they activate the emulsifying process in your body. You may use another brand but make sure it conforms to or exceeds these specifications or it will not work.

Lecithin Granules are best used in blender drinks and sprinkled on salads, fresh cut fruit, and cereals. Make sure to consume it uncooked, in its natural state. One heaping tablespoon is equal to six softgels. You can’t take too much, so feel free to use additional amounts liberally.


Ginkgo Biloba is an effective natural blood thinner. If you are on a prescription blood thinner, like Coumadin, know that Ginkgo Biloba will duplicate your prescription medication.

Please be nice to each other, and look for my next post: Blog 15: Allergies, where I explain how to eliminate them no matter the cause.


Your support is greatly appreciated.


Lynn Capehart Wellness Foundation, Inc., is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation, meaning that any donation you make is tax deductible. We appreciate your support for our current efforts to establish a Vitamin Scholarship Program, so that we may supply supplements to those who could be cured of their disorders, but who cannot afford the annual cost. You may make your donations to lynncapehartnonprofit@outlook.com at www.paypal.com using any credit card or bank anywhere in the world. Thank you.

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CATEGORIES: 1: Simple Malnutrition, 8: Exercise & Fitness, 10: Food & Diet

RECOMMENDED: Monavie Active, Increased Exercise, and Improved Diet


Definition: Insulin: It is a hormone produced by the pancreas, in order to digest and convert carbohydrates and starches into glucose (sugar) for energy use. Your blood sugar levels rise naturally while you digest a meal. When your body detects these increased levels of blood sugar, it is supposed to release insulin, which then moves the glucose out of the bloodstream and into the muscles and fat cells for storage. The sugar remains stored in the cell, until you need it for energy, say, to run a marathon, or pick up your clothes at the cleaners.

Type 1 diabetes was formerly known as juvenile diabetes, because it’s usually diagnosed in children and young adults. It stems from an impairment in the immune system. Only about 5 to 10 percent of reported cases are in this category, a comparatively small number. But a whopping 90 to 95 percent of people diagnosed with diabetes are Type 2, adult onset. Increasing the cringe factor is the news that of those numbers, most have this disease only because of unhealthy lifestyle choices. Meaning, Type 2 could be made obsolete in no time, if people made different and healthier choices.

Ordinarily, you end up with Type 2 after a lifetime of doing whatever you wanted to your body. You had no fear; you were carefree. You probably ate and drank what you liked without regard to nutrition or weight. Maybe spent too much time at the computer or big screen sitting on your butt. Likewise had no idea what the inside of a gym or health club looked like, or that the outdoors was good for more than passing through on your way from your house to your car.

Or maybe you had greater nutritional needs than average. But no one in your family understood, causing them to go unmet even as an adult. Maybe no one ever taught you how to eat in a balanced fashion, or that your body needs movement by way of exercise and activity in order to stay healthy and thrive. Whatever the cause, Type 2 diabetes is the result of chronic neglect that has caught up with you.


Type 1 occurs when the immune system, embodied in the white blood cells, wrongly attacks the body’s own insulin producing cells, decimating their numbers and preventing them from making insulin. Think of it as friendly fire, as when troops mistake their own soldiers as the enemy and attack them. The result is high blood glucose (sugar) levels, which are treated with diet, blood monitoring, and insulin shots meant to replace the insulin from cells destroyed by the immune system.

Type 2 is something you do to yourself. It’s self inflicted. It’s not a gun to the head, but it’s a slower form of suicide that robs you of promised years. It’s caused by a metabolic malfunction arising from an unhealthy diet and no exercise, whereby the insulin cells that are produced by the pancreas are inferior, and therefore can’t remove enough glucose from the blood to keep you healthy. This is called “insulin resistance.” The result is high blood sugar levels, which are treated by diet changes and increased activity.

Nutrition is responsible for all functions inside your body, including making strong insulin cells and other replacement parts. If you have a Type 2 diagnosis, it means you have not given your body enough nutrition, so that now it can’t do things like it used to, like construct strong insulin cells.

Types 1 and 2 both result in elevated blood sugar levels and if not controlled can lead to heart attack, stroke, toe and limb amputation, kidney failure, and loss of eyesight, among other problems that will lead up to these events. But the edges between Type 1 and Type 2 start to blur when you examine them closely, especially in children. Type 2 used to be associated with middle age and the elderly. But how do we explain that children as young as 8 are presenting with, and dying from, Type 2 now? Or that countries normally associated with good eating habits, like Japan, showed Type 2 diabetes cases almost double in junior high school students, making it more prevalent than Type 1?

Dr. Francine Kaufman knows. She is the Director of the Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism at Children’s Hospital in Los Angeles, and Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Southern California Medical School. She reports that, “poor eating habits and lack of exercise—once the prerogative of older people in rich countries, but now almost a global phenomenon—are largely to blame for the rise of Type 2 Diabetes.”

So there you have it folks, your lousy diets are killing not just you adults, but now your children as well. Type 2 is a disease that arises due to a sedentary lifestyle, and a diet that, because it provides too much fat and not enough nutrition, leads to weight gain and obesity, which further exacerbates the Type 2 disorder. People who are overweight are more likely to have Type 2, because fat actually interferes with the body’s ability to use insulin.

A high fat diet stores too much fat inside your cells. It prevents your body from responding to the insulin it does manage to produce, because the fat is hogging all the space in the cell. Like a room, there is only so much space inside a cell. If it’s filled up with fat there is simply less space inside it to store glucose, no matter how hard your insulin works. It’s like having a private storage unit that’s filled up all the way to the door. There’s no room for that desk you want to store.


Without enough insulin in your bloodstream at all times, glucose builds up and remains there, instead of being moved into storage in your cells. This process of sugar being transported to, and stored in your cells, is what keeps you moving. When you run a race, or go to the cleaners, it’s the glucose energy stored in your muscle cells by insulin that keeps you moving. The body is unable to use glucose as a food for energy as long as the glucose is trapped inside the bloodstream. Glucose must be inside a cell in order for that cell, and therefore your body, to tap it for energy use. Insulin is the transportation system for glucose. It takes sugar out of the blood and into the cell.

Think of insulin as high speed rail taking workers from the outskirts into the center of town. If the rail system is working at peak effectiveness it will efficiently transport them. But let’s say the system gets bogged down and moves 25 percent less efficiently. What about 50 or 75 percent? What if the rails shut down and no trains move? In those cases, fewer and fewer workers would get to their jobs, until finally no one would. Likewise, if your insulin becomes less and less effective at taking sugar to work inside your cell, you will get a Type 2 diagnosis.


If too much glucose remains in your blood, you will feel unsatisfied no matter what or how much you eat. And you will gain weight despite your best efforts not to. Your body can’t burn off the sugar until it gets moved into the cells. When your cells don’t respond properly to the insulin, the pancreas tries to solve the problem by producing more and more insulin. These large amounts of insulin constrict your arteries and increase your chances of having a heart attack or stroke due to decreased blood flow. They stimulate your brain to make you hungry, even though you’ve taken in more than enough calories to fill your needs—making it almost impossible not to overeat. All because they cause fat, instead of glucose, to be stored in your cells.

If you’re overweight, the failure to store glucose in your fat-laden cells where it belongs is what makes you so tired all the time. The sugar your cells need for energy is trapped inside the bloodstream, of no use whatsoever because your cells can’t access it. That’s also why the first thing people say when they change their diets for the better is, “I have so much more energy now.” Of course. The healthier diet increases the efficiency of the insulin you’re producing. More glucose food energy gets stored in the cells because the fat has moved out to make room for it. Like maybe you removed something from that storage unit in order to make room for the desk. Once glucose is inside the cell, energy is then accessible to you when you need it to cross the finish line, or pick up the clothes.


Manito was a 23 year old dancer and Cuban hunk when he immigrated to Miami in 1962. The trip was far from easy. He spent two days in a small boat with five other people; three men and two women. The boat started to leak and broke apart in a rogue wave. Two men and a woman were swept away and drowned. Manny, one woman, and the last man took turns lying on top of a piece of the wreckage, while the others held on to the sides. The curvature of the wood kept a pocket of air under it and made it more floatable. They stayed alive like that for two more days until they were picked up by a passing American fishing boat. They’d had no food or water for four days.

Manny loved the U.S. He got a job dancing in a nightclub and three years later he owned the place. Two years after that he added a small restaurant and populated the menu with his favorite dishes: achiote marinated chicken, veal scallops with bacon, roast suckling pig, deviled crab rolls, moros y christianos, criollo chicken and rice gumbo.

Manny ate at his own restaurant every night, even after he met and married Maria. She joined him in managing the business, handling the front end while he ran the kitchen and planned menus. It was a match made in heaven because Maria loved food as much as Manny. They grew successful together, and they grew fat together. All the more to love, they often told each other.

That is where Manny and Maria’s background tale ends for me. I don’t know what happened between that happy chronicle and the phone call I received from their daughter, Katrina, so many years later. I was running an experiment on the effects of Monavie Active on metabolism and Type 2 diabetes. Katrina contacted me online and then we spoke by phone. She told me her parents had separated, but both had been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes a decade ago. The trial samples were free so I offered to enroll both Manny and Maria. Katrina said they didn’t want their mother in the trial, just their father.

That begged a “why not?” from me, and her answer gave me pause. Katrina said that if Monavie Active helped their dad’s glucose numbers, she and her brother, Marc, would order it for their mother on a long term basis. But they wouldn’t pay to have their father take it, even if it would save his life. Okay. But why not start both of them on it now instead of waiting to see what happens with your dad, I asked. She said they didn’t want me experimenting on their mother, but didn’t care what happened to him. “She could get hurt,” she said. I didn’t pursue it. I assumed Manny had earned his children’s wrath.

Manny and I started communicating by phone. I figured that if Monavie worked for him he would find some other way of paying for it. He was 73, maybe he had a pension. I asked him what was the biggest negative impact that Type 2 had had on his life. He didn’t mention the two missing toes, or the inability to walk more than a few feet at a time, the chronic infections, tingling extremities, debilitating fatigue, or loss of eyesight. He said it was not being able to walk his dog Georgi along the beach.

In the end there was good news and bad. The good news was that Monavie Active worked great for Manny. Normal blood glucose should fall between 70 and 120. Manny’s had been 565 at the start. After two weeks taking Monavie Active twice daily, Manny’s glucose dropped to 95, and he returned to walking Georgi. His physician was so impressed that he called me to get more information on just what Manito had been taking.

Katrina told me that the treatment also worked for Maria, who saw her numbers return to normal. But I’m sure you’ve already guessed the bad news. The kids ordered Monavie for Maria but not Manny. He asked me to talk to them because he didn’t want to go back to being sick. I told him I didn’t think it would do any good. A couple of weeks after he ran out of the sample, his blood glucose was sky high again.


You can easily turn things around by changing certain habits. You’ve heard it all before and it’s true. It’s all about choices. You don’t have to start living like a monk, but even a few changes will make a big difference in your health: Choose multi grain breads, cereals, and pastas instead of refined white. Substitute brown rice for white rice on occasion. Always eat something raw/fresh along with a cooked meal. Go completely vegetarian two days each week. When you eat meat, choose lean cuts. Try to avoid buying food in cans; make it a last resort choice. Keep frozen foods at a minimum; choose fresh as often as possible. Read the labels of foods you buy and avoid ones with too many additives. Don’t overeat; portion control is very important. Think about what you are putting in your mouth. Don’t assume because something is served to you that it’s really fit for your consumption.

In addition to the above, you have to get moving, literally. If you can’t afford a health club or gym membership, or don’t want others to see you exercising right away, then just start walking. Even if you only get to the end of your block on your first try, it’s a start. Try to go a little farther each time you walk, until you can do something substantial like two miles. And expect pain; some of your muscles have not been stressed in a long time. Pain is no reason to stop, unless it’s in your chest. Once you’ve built up your strength a little, try something harder, like swimming, or jogging, or free weights. Whatever appeals to you and gets your heart beating faster.

There is also a supplement that will make your life back to good health much easier. For most people with Type 2, Monavie Active can balance your metabolism and lower your glucose numbers in two to three weeks. It’s a juice combination with acai berry as the primary ingredient.

Supplement Breakfast Dinner Brand Strength
Monavie Active 2 ounces 2 ounces Monavie NA
Monavie Active is dense and delicious, and appears to have silt and sediment in it. Make sure you shake it well, but do not discard anything that comes out of the bottle. Consume everything, tiny chunks of puree, silt, etc. Take it first thing in the morning when you wake up, before you eat anything. Take your second dose about 20 minutes before you eat dinner. Do not miss a dose. If you forget, take it as soon as you remember.


► If you are taking a prescription for Type 2 diabetes, you have to be watchful as you take Monavie Active. Be aware that while it is a simple combination of juices, it is powerful and effective. The chances are 95 percent that it will remove the need for your medicine, because it will bring your glucose under control and balance your metabolism.

 ► Monavie Active costs about $150 a month to take as prescribed here. If you cannot afford it you will have to pay strict attention to your dietary restrictions to bring and keep your glucose numbers within normal range.

Please be nice to each other, and look for my next post: Blog 14: Erectile Dysfunction, where I explain why the problem happens, and an easy fix—if it’s physical and not psychological.


Your support is greatly appreciated.


Lynn Capehart Wellness Foundation, Inc., is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation, meaning that any donation you make is tax deductible. We appreciate your support for our current efforts to establish a Vitamin Scholarship Program, so that we may supply supplements to those who could be cured of their disorders, but who cannot afford the annual cost. You may make your donations to lynncapehartnonprofit@outlook.com at www.paypal.com using any credit card or bank anywhere in the world. Thank you.

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