
Archive for April, 2011


CATEGORY: 2: Inflammation


In speaking to parliament recently, the Prime Minister of Japan said that his country’s biggest crises in decades was the combination of the quake, tsunami, and nuclear accident.

radiation hazard symbol

You can rebuild after a quake brings down a bridge. You can clean up, dry out, and rebuild after a tsunami. But a nuclear accident is harder to “fix,” and has the potential to greatly endanger areas far away from the original accident. Time magazine reported that trace radioactive elements from Japan’s Fukushima nuclear plant traveled over 6,500 miles to show up in rainwater that fell on Boston. Since global winds move from the west toward the east, those radioactive traces had to cross a lot of America before they got to Boston, and kept going.

The planet is smaller than we want to think. And we are all sharing it with each other, despite our claims to sovereignty. International borders didn’t stop the trace elements from crossing America to rain down on Boston. We share the same sun, the same water, and the same air, ultimately. It is entirely legitimate, then, that people on the other side of the world from the accident are worried about radiation poisoning.

The biggest concern associated with radiation poisoning seems to be cancer of the thyroid, which people think can be prevented by taking potassium iodide. Directly after the reactor explosions, sales of potassium iodide soared, and many online websites sold out. Unfortunately, potassium iodide cannot be relied on to protect against thyroid cancer, especially not in the dosages available without a prescription. And you’re fooling yourself if you think there aren’t 20 to 30 other easy spots in your body, besides the thyroid, where radiation poisoning can and will cause inflammation and cancer.

Apparently, the association in the public consciousness between the thyroid and potassium iodide stems from the use of radioactive iodine to treat goiters, a disorder of the thyroid.

 Definition: Goiter: This is an enlargement of the thyroid gland that looks like a round lump that continues to grow if not treated. It is usually caused by a lack of iodine, which is necessary to produce thyroid hormone. The great lakes and Midwest areas of the United States were once called the “goiter belt,” because of the high number of cases reported there that were attributable to iodine poor soil. A goiter grows because the thyroid gland is trying harder and harder to extract iodine from your body. As it works harder, it continues to grow bigger. A goiter usually indicates a simple Kelp deficiency, as Kelp is a great source of natural iodine. A friend was scheduled for radioactive iodine treatment to reduce a goiter. I convinced him to postpone treatment and try Kelp. A month later the goiter was gone.    

To protect yourself from radiation poisoning you have to understand what’s happening in your body, your whole body not just your thyroid. Every part of you is composed of cells. High radiation exposure destroys cellular integrity everywhere on a gargantuan scale, breaking apart electrons, and setting loose a cataclysmic amount of free radicals. It is free radicals that harm the thyroid and other parts of your body after radiation exposure. And potassium iodide does nothing to prevent or neutralize free radicals. Nothing.

Too many free radicals are what lead first to inflammation and then cause cancer—in the thyroid, yes, but also in the breasts, liver, lungs, prostate, stomach, kidney, uterus—in short, anywhere and everywhere in your body. Not just your thyroid is at risk when you are exposed to radiation; your entire body is put at risk. Take potassium iodide if you wish, but it’s more important to focus on antioxidants, the most potent and effective of which is Beta Carotene.

Tips: Please take the time to read Blog 3: The Danger of Inflammation, for a discussion of how free radicals are created, and why antioxidants work so well to neutralize them. I went into great detail that I don’t want to repeat every time I discuss inflammation. There is also a list of foods high in antioxidants that you should add to your diet, immediately, if you can.  Please also read Blog 4, Cancer, to learn how that same inflammation therapy stops cancer’s growth anywhere in the body. Even after you have been diagnosed. If you get the bad news, just buck up and get busy with Beta Carotene. This is a fight you can win.


I was on the west coast of America at the time of Japan’s nuclear accident. Up and down the coast everyone was worried about possible radiation exposure, despite assurances from officials that trace radiation couldn’t travel as far as the United States. After checking the umbrellas in Boston however, we now know that wasn’t true.

Since the core issue here is the creation of excess free radicals from radiation exposure, the focus should be on consumption of enough antioxidants to counter those free radicals, one on one. Each free radical electron needs an antioxidant electron to neutralize it and return it to healthy cell status. There is no better antioxidant for this purpose than Beta Carotene.

Take daily for one to three months after exposure
Supplement Breakfast Dinner Brand Strength
Beta Carotene (softgels only) 25 softgels 25 softgels Puritan’s Pride #1223 25,000 IU (equivalent to 15 mg)
Vitamin D3 (softgels only) 2 softgels 2 softgels Puritan’s Pride #15605 1000 IU


If you were close to the explosion, meaning anywhere in Japan, you need to do more internal repair than those at a long distance. But regardless of the size or magnitude of your exposure, even if you’re one of the workers who had to go inside the reactor to contain the matter, large quantities of Beta Carotene will protect you and prevent cancer and ultimate organ failure.

Free radicals are what you have to worry about from radiation exposure, no matter the amount. But free radicals are all you really have to worry about. If you can handle and control the free radical production in your body, you can handle radiation exposure. But the greater the exposure to radiation, the higher will be the number of free radicals created, and the more antioxidants that will be needed.

Let’s look at the situation for what it is, a battle between your troops (antioxidants), and the enemy troops (free radicals). (My father was career Army so expect of lot of battle references in my blogs.) Pretend that the day of retribution has come. Your troops are about to enter the battlefield to wage war against your biggest enemy—the slayer of your family, friends, and future—high level, radiation-based cancer.

You have good intelligence that there are 1000 free radical troops on the field awaiting you, and another 1000 in a fallback position, ready to back them up. But for now, you are facing only 2000 free radical enemy troops, because they haven’t had a chance to increase their numbers yet. You are tasked with eradicating them before they can multiply and get strong enough to do real harm. You aren’t worried, because you have over 5000 antioxidant troops under your command ready to deploy. And you know that for every enemy free radical, you have to deploy an opponent antioxidant warrior, because it will always boil down mathematically to a one on one fight. Antioxidant electron against free radical electron.

Given these facts, what do you do tactically? Do you decide to just lay down and not fight back at all? Probably not. Knowing it’s a one on one fight, do you send in 50 of your antioxidant warriors to face 2000 free radical troops? What about 500? Again, probably not. With 5000 antioxidant troops at your disposal, you might not even send in an equal number of 2000 troops to match the enemy’s numbers. To ensure success in such an important battle you might try to outnumber the enemy; you might send in all 5000 antioxidant troops and make it a slaughter. With your superior numbers, the options are all yours to exercise.

If you were in Japan at the time of the exposure, or worse, close to the point of origin, there are tens of thousands of free radicals ganging up inside you and starting the inflammation process, which will be followed eventually by cancer, or some other inflammatory based disease. The minute you were hit with radiation, your cells began to die and mutate into free radicals—throughout your entire body not just in your thyroid. Since there are so many free radical troops wreaking havoc inside, you need an equal or higher number of antioxidant troops to fight them off, to neutralize them. Beta Carotene is the best free radical fighting antioxidant available, if you take enough of it.

I prescribe large doses of Beta Carotene for an extended period to give the body time to neutralize enough free radicals to prevent serious long-term harm from occurring. Don’t let the following dose levels scare you. The doses have to be large enough to counter the large number of free radicals loosed in your system. Beta Carotene will not harm you, and could save your life.

Take daily for three months to one year or more after exposure
Supplement Breakfast Lunch Dinner Brand Strength
Beta Carotene (softgels only) 50 softgels 50 softgels 50 softgels Puritan’s Pride #1223 25,000 IU (equivalent to 15 mg)
Vitamin D3 (softgels only) 4 softgels 4 softgels 4 softgels Puritan’s Pride, #15605 1000 IU


► If you take Beta Carotene without also taking Vitamin D, you will deplete your stores of Vitamin D and develop a Vitamin D deficiency. It usually manifests as sores on the inside of the mouth. Always take Vitamin D when you take Beta Carotene.

► Do not use mixed carotenoid products. They are only a marketing gimmick and will not work the way Beta Carotene will, not the way I have described here.

Vitamin D3 is recommended because it more closely replicates the Vitamin D made naturally on your skin from contact with the sun. But if you can’t find D3, take straight Vitamin D.

Please be nice to each other, and look for my next post: Blog 13: Adult Onset Diabetes, where I tell you how to get it under control within two weeks, and never suffer again.


Your support is greatly appreciated.


Lynn Capehart Wellness Foundation, Inc., is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation, meaning that any donation you make is tax deductible. We appreciate your support for our current efforts to establish a Vitamin Scholarship Program, so that we may supply supplements to those who could be cured of their disorders, but who cannot afford the annual cost. You may make your donations to lynncapehartnonprofit@outlook.com at www.paypal.com using any credit card or bank anywhere in the world. Thank you.

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CATEGORY: 6: Viruses


Helen’s labor started at three in the morning. At first she thought it was just the extra spicy hot wings flapping through her intestines, but quickly realized what was happening. She woke her husband with an elbow in the ribs. Rick, thinking she did it because he was snoring again, burrowed into the pillow and tried to breathe quietly. The second poke annoyed him. He burped and turned over, eyes bleary with sleep, saying, “Hey, did you notice I stopped snoring?” Helen said, “Hey, did you notice I’m going into labor?”

couple in silouette at sunset



Two hours later Dr. Sajim stood in front of Helen with a frown on his narrow face. The hallway was quiet an hour before the hospital shift change. The smell of disinfectant coated the air. Rick had meandered off looking for a vending machine. He needed a Pepsi so he could take a Valium. No liquid and it would stick to his tongue. Same thing with water. Seems he needed the Pepsi as bad as he needed the Valium.

“You’re having a pretty bad genital herpes outbreak, Helen,” said Dr. Sajim. “Luckily, this time it was false labor. Otherwise, I would have had to do a Cesarean. I know you’re planning on going back to modeling after the baby. But I can’t let you deliver normally if you’re having an outbreak. I’m sorry, but as I’ve told you, herpes can be passed to your newborn during delivery. So we cannot take that chance, can we?”

Helen was already in her 40th week and due to deliver any minute. Dr. Sajim’s words nagged at her all the next day. She was more worried about her modeling career than she let anyone know. At 35 she was closer to the end of her swimsuit career than the beginning. A Cesarean scar would slam that door shut immediately. And no, they wouldn’t go to the trouble of retouching all her shots. She couldn’t turn to runway—the kindest thing Antonio had said was she walked like a librarian—though she did have other options. She just needed time to transition.

When she called me the next day, she was crying. She was afraid to take a prescription drug, fearing it might harm the baby. And over the counter remedies didn’t work. She wanted to know if there was a supplement therapy that would work. Stop the herpes without harming the baby. And known to be safe enough that Dr. Sajim would be ok with her taking it.

I told her about L-Lysine, an amino acid capable of actually disrupting the herpes virus’ DNA replication cycle, preventing it from spawning more and more generations, with each one making the outbreak worse. I told her it is completely safe even for expectant mothers close to their time of delivery.


There are different kinds of herpes viruses, but all of them can be controlled with L-Lysine. Below I discuss Types 1, 2, and 4. [Types 3 and 5 herpes viruses are equine related, and refer to a sexually transmitted disease in horses.] [See Comment on HIV/AIDS under Type 4.]

1.         Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 (HSV1): Oral Herpes: HSV1 usually manifests as blisters and ulcers around the mouth and lips, commonly called fever blisters and cold sores. But they can occur in other places above the waist, like the chin and face, inside your mouth or the back of the throat, or on your chest and arms.

Type 1 is usually associated only with mouth herpes, but it also causes genital herpes when it is spread during mouth-genital sex by a partner with an infected mouth.

About 50 to 80 percent of American adults have HSV1, even if they don’t know it. One reason so many are carriers is that herpes is a member of the same family of diseases experienced in childhood, like mumps, or chicken pox.

For instance, the latter is caused by Herpes Zoster which goes dormant after the initial outbreak, but can show up later in adulthood as shingles, a painful skin disorder. If you had one of these childhood diseases you are carrying the herpes virus and can infect others, even if you have never had an outbreak.

2.         Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 (HSV2): Genital Herpes: HSV2 usually manifests as painful blisters, ulcers, and rashes around the genital and anal areas. It rarely affects areas above the waist, like the mouth and face. It is spread through sexual intercourse by secretions from the mouth and genitals of an infected partner, even if they have no signs and don’t know they are infected. For example, in a study, a third of the participants who caught genital herpes from their infected partners, did so when the partners had no symptoms. Sexual contact is the most common way to become infected, and one in five Americans has genital herpes, again, even if they are unaware of it.

Genital herpes seems to be on the rise, especially among adolescents, because they’re having more oral sex instead of intercourse, believing it to be safer, or more moral. The only safe thing about oral sex is that it absolutely avoids pregnancy. But you’re still susceptible to an STD when you give or receive oral sex. Thus, there are more and more people with cold sores on their genitals, which translates as genital herpes.

3.         Herpes Simplex Virus Type 4 (HSV4): Epstein Barr: HSV4 is best known for causing Infectious Mononucleosis, the “Kissing Disease” we all remember from high school. It is also linked with certain forms of cancer, like Hodgkin’s lymphoma, Burkitt’s lymphoma, and central nervous system lymphomas associated with HIV.

Comment: HIV/AIDS: For a long time I have had a theory I’ve never been able to test. I believe strongly that I am right, but if I am wrong, it will be the first time. I think that the body looks at HIV/AIDS as just another virus. I think L-Lysine is effective enough, against all types of herpes, as well as all strains of flu, to warrant a closer look by health professionals and those with the disease. I would love to hear from someone with HIV/AIDS who would be willing to try the L-Lysine therapy under my supervision. You can contact me at lynn@lynncapehart.com.

One spot of good news is that since the virus dies quickly outside the body, it is next to impossible to get genital herpes through contact with toilet seats, towels, or other objects used by an infected person having an outbreak. The number of people with herpes will probably keep rising as people continue to infect one another. But the high cost and side effects of prescription drugs cause many people to avoid using them. L-Lysine is a natural alternative treatment that is safe, inexpensive and gentle to the body. It works faster and better than any other treatment available, bar none.

L-Lysine works quickly to suppress a herpes outbreak on the same day, usually within hours if taken as directed. Chronic cases can be controlled and all outbreaks prevented by taking a daily maintenance dose, and increasing the dose at the first signs of an outbreak, that first tell tale tingle that usually precedes an outbreak.

I have a friend, Gene, in his second year at UCLA. He gets cold sores all the time. He started using L-Lysine and found it worked, but he refused to use it regularly, as a maintenance dose. He’s a free spirit and doesn’t like the routine involved in daily doses. So he takes it only when he feels an outbreak coming on, despite my promise to him that a daily dose will completely prevent even one more cold sore. His problem is that sometimes an outbreak happens when he’s away from his supplements. Gene experienced this a couple of hours before a date recently. Later that evening, he and a coed were keeping each other warm, when she spotted an emerging cold sore and called things off. He said he was amazed he got that far with her before she noticed. I think that last “miss” might convince him to go ahead and take a regular daily dose of L-Lysine. Your body’s warning plus your timely response can equal prevention.

HERPES: Types 1, 2, and 4 Quick Glance Chart
Supplement At First Sign of Outbreak Every 4 Hours While Awake As Long As You Have Symptoms Twice Daily For Five Days After Symptoms Are Gone Brand Strength
L-Lysine 3 tablets 2 tablets 2 tablets Puritan’s Pride #6011 1000 mg
MAINTENANCE DOSE: To ensure that you don’t get any herpes, take two tablets of L-Lysine twice daily, morning and evening, every single day.
If your symptoms do not get better, or if they return after you lower your dosage at any time, increase the dose back up to where it gave you relief, or higher if necessary. It is important that you continue daily doses for the minimum time period mentioned. You will feel better, and your symptoms may all be gone, but the virus is still raging in there. It takes the extra doses to make sure you send it into dormancy again. If you do not, the outbreak will return. You have to kill the current generation and several that will follow before you can be sure it will go dormant.


► The virus is fighting for its life as hard as you would for yours. It’s replicating new generations to ensure the survival of its DNA—just like you do. For those reasons, I can’t overemphasize how important it is that you flood your system with L-Lysine in order for it to work effectively as a treatment for herpes. You have to follow the quick glance chart and take every dose on time, and not miss a single dose.

► Be aware that after taking L-Lysine for a while your bowel movements may be runny. This is not true diarrhea. You won’t move your bowels more than normal, but when you do they might become watery. This is not a cause for concern and will stop as soon as you lower your dose.

► If you know you have been exposed to herpes by an infected person, or if you know that you have had one of the viral childhood diseases like chickenpox, it is recommended that you take 2000 mg of L-Lysine twice daily, morning and evening, as a maintenance dose, to help keep the virus dormant.

► Since it is possible to have herpes and not know it, if you do suddenly get an outbreak, take a pause and a deep breath before you accuse your partner of wrong doing. If there is other evidence maybe you’re onto something. If she or he is a saint, do some more investigating before you jump them. Herpes can lie dormant for years after initial infection before it shows up. It could have been an earlier partner who infected you.

Please be nice to each other, and look for my next post: Blog 12: Radiation Poisoning where I tell you how to protect yourself from exposure like that threatened by the recent Japanese nuclear reactor problems after the tsunami.


Your support is greatly appreciated.


Lynn Capehart Wellness Foundation, Inc., is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation, meaning that any donation you make is tax deductible. We appreciate your support for our current efforts to establish a Vitamin Scholarship Program, so that we may supply supplements to those who could be cured of their disorders, but who cannot afford the annual cost. You may make your donations to lynncapehartnonprofit@outlook.com at www.paypal.com using any credit card or bank anywhere in the world. Thank you.

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