
Archive for February, 2017

I have always said that Lecithin can prevent and control almost half of the diseases that plague us. Here is a comment from someone who personally discovered its value.

Dear Lynn,

Forgive me for disturbing you again. I’m just writing to thank you deeply for literally saving my life. Ever since starting the lecithin my chest pain has slowly but surely completely disappeared. My blood pressure dropped 15 points in two and a half months I feel my mind and my body feel clearer than they have been in a very long time. There are no words to explain or convey my gratitude to you. I hope everyone reads this and understands that, yes they can live a long healthy life! I have put my parents and husband on a lecithin regime and I am diligent that they follow it every single day!

I also purchased your book and of course, the first thing I did was flip to chapter nine. I plan on following the lecithin protocol there seeing that it’s much more detailed. I am assuming that’s the correct thing to do?

I just have one more thought to add. I realized that the non gmo soy lecithin has a decent amount of omega 6, my understanding is there has to be some balance between the threes and the sixes so I have taken up to adding a tablespoon of flax and a tablespoon of chia seeds to my daily diet along with a fish oil capsule to balance everything. These seeds are void of saturated fats but pretty high in polysaturated fats, I’m assuming that this shouldn’t be a problem bc of the lecithin emulsifying action. Is my thought process correct?

Thank you again a million and a million times over for being an angel of health on this planet.

Peace and joy,
Maria Nikopoulos

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