
Archive for the ‘Category 5: Virus’ Category


CATEGORY: 5: Viruses



cramped in group of health workers

Wake up people. The corona virus can kill even the young!

The death toll from the most recent flu savaging continues to rise. Some are trapped in quarantine whether they’re sick or not. Others survive by hunkering down and suffering through. And it will get worse before it gets better. I haven’t had the flu in decades, but I remember it as being a hellish experience.

Every winter we go through this. Newer, often more deadly, flu strains strike, and people suffer and die. Needlessly. Meanwhile, limited resources are allotted to finding new anti-virals and vaccines to combat the constant mutations that flu presents.

Rather than engineer new drugs each year to fight the flu, a better idea is to use L-Lysine, an amino acid and simple food supplement that will stop corona virus by preventing it from replicating inside your body.

Corona virus infects you by attaching to your cells and thereby spreading its genetic material. Since the “life span” of a virus, the amount of time it is viable, is limited, it takes succeeding “generations” to make you sick and keep you infected. That way, as one generation dies, another is being born.

Viruses that cause the flu are in a sense living entities that crave life and will fight for it much as we would. Their compulsion is to breed and reproduce others like themselves, just like us. They do this to survive and pass on DNA to the next generation. They have to make copies of themselves for future use.


To stop corona virus the focus must be on stopping it from making those copies, from replicating a new generation of itself. If you do that you can stop it within hours.

You see, without the ability to replicate properly, a virus lacks adequate hereditary basics to pass on instructions for creating proteins vital for the birth and survival of a new generation. Like trying to make cherry pie without the cherries. The virus will simply be unable to make a viable copy of itself, as long as there are sufficient amounts of L-Lysine in your system, saturating your tissue.

Your body will eventually fight off succeeding generations until the virus is expelled, but not before you’ve suffered through the body aches, muscle pain, fever, cough, fiery sore throat, runny and/or stuffy nose, fatigue, headache, and worse.


L-Lysine is a simple amino acid, one of the “building blocks” of protein. Natural and benign. It’s interesting that a protein building block for human physiology will actually prevent a virus from building its proteins!

Taken in appropriate doses as soon as possible after you experience symptoms, L-Lysine stops any strain of flu. Taken in advance as a preventive maintenance dose, it will protect you from contracting the flu. If you’re not sick yet, you should start taking a maintenance dose right away to avoid it entirely. (See remedy at a glance charts at the end)

Let’s be clear on this. We label each new strain of flu virus based on many factors. We worry about its origin, strength, and ability to mutate. But the body sees all viruses as essentially the same, and its only job in connection thereto is to fight it off. Something it can easily do with the help of L-Lysine.

The goal is to saturate your tissue with L-Lysine, and keep it saturated until five days after you feel better. The inclination is to stop taking L-Lysine as soon as you feel better. If you do, you give a lingering “generation” the chance to start replicating again, and it can return with renewed vengeance.

L-Lysine is cheap and painless and could be utilized now to stop corona virus and end this misery. Your body’s warning plus your timely response can equal prevention.

I wrote an earlier blog on the flu; it repeats what is said here differently and lists other fundamentals for flu avoidance. https://lynncapehartwellness.com/2011/11/22/blog-24-the-flu/


Besides L-Lysine, there are support supplements that address other problems created by the flu, like (a) Vitamin C+ and Bee Pollen Granules, which are natural immune boosters; Beta Carotene, an anti-inflammatory that eases muscles aches and other body pains; B12, a B Complex element that fights fatigue; and Lecithin, an emulsifier that breaks up and expels the mucus of lung and nose congestion.


PREVENTING THE CORONA VIRUS                                               

Remedy At A Glance Chart (Maintenance Dose)

If you are not now experiencing any symptoms


Supplement Breakfast Dinner Brand Strength
L-Lysine 4 tablets 4 tablets Puritan’s Pride #3060 500 mg
You can also buy 1000 mg tablets of L-Lysine. For this chart 500 mg size is used, because they are small-ish and easy to swallow. If you decide on the 1000 mg size you will need to adjust your intake accordingly.
Vitamin C+ 2 tablets 2 tablets Puritan’s Pride #690 1000 mg



Remedy At A Glance Chart (Crisis Dose) 

If you know you’ve been exposed to the virus or are already feeling the symptoms.


Supp. Bkfst. Every 2 hours while awake 3 times daily for 5 days after you feel better Brand Strength
L-Lysine 8 tablets 4 tablets 4 tablets Puritan’s Pride #3060 500 mg
Vit. C+ 2 tablets 1 tablet 2 tablets Puritan’s Pride #690 1000 mg
Beta Carotene 20 softgels (they’re tiny) repeat this dose at dinner time Puritan’s Pride #1223 25,000 IU
B12 2 tablets repeat this dose at dinner time Nature’s Life 1000 mcg
Lecithin 4 softgels repeat this dose at dinner time Puritan’s Pride #300 1200 mg


You can purchase B12 at Vitaminlife.com.

Never use time released B12; you need the blast of the full dose.

At the crisis levels, L-Lysine will give some people runny bowels. Not true diarrhea where you’re having to run to the bathroom all the time. It’s just that when you do have to go, the product will be watery.

If lecithin softgels are hard for you to swallow, you can use granules in much the same way that you use bee pollen granules, except that lecithin granules won’t dissolve in hot tea; they pretty much need to be utilized in a blender drink, where they can be completely pulverized. One full tablespoon equals 6 of the softgels.


PLEASE DONATE: Your help is greatly needed.


Lynn Capehart Wellness Foundation is a nonprofit charity. All donations are tax deductible. We appreciate your support for our Vitamin Scholarship Program to provide supplements to those who can’t afford them. Make donations in the name of lynncapehartnonprofit@outlook.com at www.paypal.com using any credit card or bank. Contact me: lynncapehart@gmail.com. Thanks for your support.



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